Newer to MFP, looking for friends to help me stay motivated!

I'm 19 and from Massachusetts. I have previously use MFP and stopped for some months. I just came back on this past week. I would love to meet new people and help keep me motivated and me do the same for you. I love to work out and do it daily fr an hour with a friend. My biggest downfall is snacking while I am at work. I appreciate any tips on what to eat/work out plans. I accept all friend requests! Good luck to everyone on there weight loss journeys!


  • Sj20fame
    Sj20fame Posts: 205 Member
    Hello there, welcome back! =D I'm from Illinois, weather is crazy here, so I've started yoga indoors this year, and let me tell ya, it's hard but feels good to the core ;) good luck on your journey!

    -Jessica from Illinois
  • omnisis
    omnisis Posts: 85 Member
    I like to snack too! I eat an apple everyday! Actually there's this guy that buys a ton of junk food at cosco and puts them out front for everyone to walk past on the way to the bathroom everyday and they are dirt cheap since he sells them at cost so I know what it means to be tempted here are my top 5 at work *healthy* snack foods:

    1) Medium Apple + Lowfat string cheese
    2) Oatmeal + 1 tbsp peanut butter
    3) Mixed Fruit
    4) Nonfat greek yogurt + 1 tbsp chocolate protein powder and 1 tbsp peanut butter (tastes like a reese's cup)
    5) Simple mixed green salad with strawberries, walnuts and light balsamic dressing (~180 calories)
  • kelise24
    kelise24 Posts: 1
    Welcome! I am 28 year old female in Arkansas. I am using this to track what I eat. Started P90X and am doing pretty good so far. Took me a little while to get the nutrition figured out. Here's what I am doing, 1000-1200 calories/day with 50% protein, 30% carbs and 20% fat. I really have to plan out what I eat, and I know what you mean about snacking at work. With this, I have to eat about every 2.5-3 hours to keep my metabolism going. So, I snack on sandwich meat (by itself) for protein or a Pure Protein bar (at WalMart), something like that. The Pure Protein bars taste decent and actually grow on you. It now fills my sweet tooth craving for a candy bar, actually. Good luck!!!