teachers or anyone who has summers "off"...

craft338 Posts: 870 Member
edited September 28 in Motivation and Support
i started my diet in January and have done very well with my new routine, and i love it. i work with children at a before and after school program, so i burn TONS of calories at work, and don't even need to exercise at home. today is the last day of school/work, so i'm a little scared of how the summer is gonna go. i hate exercise, so i'm worried that i'm not gonna stick to it. i've been good with eating around 1700 calories a day, but now i feel like i should go down a lot lower because i won't be so active. i do have a babysitting job for 4 hours a day over the summer, but one kid is WAY different than 40 kids and i know i just won't be burning as much.

anyway, to the rest of the teachers, school workers, or anyone who's job is seasonal who knows what it's like, wanna give me some advice?

thanks :flowerforyou:


  • momma3sweetgirls
    momma3sweetgirls Posts: 743 Member
    I don't have summers 'off' exactly, but as a SAHM, summer is a change to the regular routine because I have 4 kids at home with me ALL the time. School has been out for a couple of weeks already. I'm not gym-goer, but I do workout at home everyday. Right now I'm doing Jillian Michael's Ripped in 30. It's only 22 minutes long and it's a great workout. I also have a stationary bike that I hop on from time to time.

    It appears you don't have a time issue, but a motivation issue. You just have to force yourself to do some form of exercise and over time it will become a habit and you'll actually want to do it.
  • merguson
    merguson Posts: 281 Member
    I'm in the same boat. Lost 40 pounds since Sept. But really afraid to be out of routine for the summer. Oh...the calories I will consume through drinks alone!! I'm a registered E.C.E. working in school-based childcare centre. I will also be off for the summer break. I totally understand.
  • Morning
    I understand what you are going through
    I'm a Educational Assistant so I have the summers off
    I have just started this journey a month ago ! once again
    I do much better at work with my eathing
    hoping to get through this summer without putting
    on too much
    I think that i will need to plan ahead but also enjoy treating
    good luck
    feel free to add me:)
  • yaddayaddayadda
    yaddayaddayadda Posts: 430 Member
    Good Morning! I'm a teacher, and although they think we don't work during the summer, the rest of you teachers know that many of us work on curriculum or hold a summer job to make ends meet during the "lean" months.

    The summer months are really my LEAN months. My weight gain worries begin in September. During the summer, I am able to manage what I eat because I am away from all of the food at school!! In addition, I have the time to exercise EVERY day. I usually get to my best weight and fitness level sometime in late August, and its downhill from there.

    I would recommend that those of you who struggle with a "lighter" summer schedule just schedule yourself. Make sure that you check in here each day and that you do at least an hour of exercise each day. As far as eating is concerned, get rid of the "good" stuff in your house. If it isn't available, you can't eat it! Also, you could spend some of that "free" time finding foods and recipes for things you can eat.

    HAPPY SUMMER!:wink:
  • merguson
    merguson Posts: 281 Member
    Only 2 more days left for me!! I have to set up some kind of exercise routine for summer.
  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    i finished on friday :)

    i lowered my calorie goal because i know i won't be as physically active these next couple of months. now, if i want to eat more, i'll HAVE to exercise!! lol

    i gave myself a few days off to rest and sleep pretty much all day lol, but today i woke up early to get in a 2 mile walk and a 30 minute ride on the stationary bike. it was nice getting all that over with and being able to have a big breakfast to eat back some calories. it felt pretty good. it's really nice not having to go to work in the morning and take care of myself!! i think i can keep this up for a while =)

    i will be babysitting every day starting july 5th, but i'll mostly be watching kids at the town pool, lifeguard style, no swimming. on rainy days, i'll be taking them to the library. it won't be very active for me =( either way, all that starts in the afternoons, so hopefully i'll keep up with my morning work outs.
  • merguson
    merguson Posts: 281 Member
    So far so good. One party and two camping trips down. The wine intake has definitley increased already :blushing: but I'm doing a good job at watching the food intake and still running 5k on M-W-F. Went for a great walk last night with friends. So far, weight is staying where I want it. Yay! How you doing?
  • nlsalvatore
    nlsalvatore Posts: 519 Member
    I am an elementary reading specialist and am currently home for the summer. I find it easier to be more active in the summer - during the school year I have to get up earlier to fit it in because my kids who are 10 and 6 are in various activities, and many evening are spent going to those, and helping with homework, and are just too tiring! So, I think it's easier for me to get more exercise in during summer break. What is harder is avoiding snacking. During the school day I am so busy I have no time to snack! Over summer that is more of a challenge. I've been heading out with my kids to play when I feel the munchies coming on or logging on to MFP to remind myself how far I have come since Jan., and not to blow it over summer. During the school year I have a great support system at work, as there are a few of us who have worked together to lose weight and encourage each other - they actually introduced me to MFP. In the summertime, I find that support on MFP and from my neighbor and sisters-in-law, who are also on the same journey. Have a great summer!
  • leftymac
    leftymac Posts: 169 Member
    With the summers off, I have much more time and more motivation to exercise more. It's perfect!
  • ScorpioDiva81
    ScorpioDiva81 Posts: 28 Member
    I am a teacher and I have the summer off. I have the opposite problem. I have been working out everyday .... 3 to 4 routines a day. When school starts back in August I will have to go to 1 routine a day .... if that. School plus grad school plus having a kid takes up a lot of my time. I have the ability to be MORE active during the summer
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