Tell us about Onderland!



  • jackiekjames
    I have two pounds to get there...keep up these stories..i love reading them!
  • Dottie27
    Dottie27 Posts: 159 Member
    Those of you so close to Onderland: KEEP GOING we are all cheering for you!!!
  • AwesomeSauce4
    AwesomeSauce4 Posts: 1,062 Member
    I just posted this Success story of my own a few days ago.. I will copy it here( hope you don't mind).. I Am now under 200lbs and it's been over 11yrs since I have been here..

    My Name is Rachel and I am 33yrs old.. I started my weightloss Journey back in November of 2010.. I was a whopping 312lbs and as of this pass Saturday I weighed in at 195lbs.. I was a sz 28 and On Sunday I put on a sz 14 and it was comfortable plus a lil loose..
    So I am a happy girl!!!!

    Obviously, I am physically different from the way I was, but I am emotionally different too. Physically, I can exercise for hours, I can run, clothes fit me, I have muscles, I am strong. But I think the bigger changes, for me, have been the emotional ones.

    I believe in myself more than I ever have before. I have a greater sense of self-worth; I put myself first often; I am able to make decisions and follow through with them even if it hurts or is scary; and I’ve learned that change can be a good thing and an opportunity to grow. One of the most rewarding changes has been that I've gained people in my life whom I consider invaluable, and whose paths most likely would never have crossed my own had I not made the decision to change my life(( which is alot of my MFP Buddies)). My journey will never be over — this was a lifestyle change for me. I am currently 30-40 pounds from my goal weight, and I have no doubt I will reach the finish line!

    "Believe in yourself and know that you'll cross the finish line. No one can want it bad enough for you. You have to want it for yourself — and more than anything." ((One of my favorite quotes))

    I love that for the first time in my life, I believe in myself, feel I am worth something in this world, and know I can do and have anything I want. I am strong… The next step is always mine to take.

    Thanks For everyone's continueing support!!! MFP Rocks!!!!

    By chance if we are not friends, please feel free to add me and I will promise to support you along the journey for a healthier US

    Your Friend,
  • Dottie27
    Dottie27 Posts: 159 Member
    Thanks for sharing about Onederland. I hope more people will post throughout the day. Please feel free to friend me if you are struggling to pass that 200 lb. mark.
  • onefasternurse
    onefasternurse Posts: 62 Member
    It's been a feat and it's glorious, but, you just start striving for the next set of numbers, or so I do! I was 236 and was able to get to 199.8 and then stuck at about 205 for quite a long time...then, down to 193, then back to seemed 200 was my arch nemesis for years! Now, this time around, I'm sitting at 190.6 and am waiting with serious anticipation to hit the 180's. There is definitely SOMETHING about the 200 lb mark - that was my goal, forever and a day, to just get under that - now, it's under 190...then I'll want to be under 180...and so on. But, it's also pretty rewarding and terrific to FINALLY be LESS than 200 lbs! Keep working at it - it's totally doable and so worth it!

    I have had the same experience! I started at 225. Now I'm sitting at 190.5 anxiously wanting to get into the 180s any day. It's defintetly a struggle but well worth it.
  • luvmy2babies
    luvmy2babies Posts: 94 Member
    I have been 250 for years!!! I just hit 198.5 and it feels great!!!!! I have so much more energy, and feel so much better about myself. I can't wait to lose more.
  • _Aimée_
    _Aimée_ Posts: 190
    I wasn't over 200 for very long.
    Pre pregnancy I was 187, and after I had given birth I was 239. Just seeing 200 was enough to scare me into action and I was under 200 by the time my months was 4 months old.
  • kfitz10103
    kfitz10103 Posts: 354
    Well I haven't been 199 since 2006 and thats only b/c I did Atkins in 2004 for my wedding and got down to 178. I was over 200 beofre 2004. My highest weight in 2010 was 253. My starting weight when I started dieting was 218 and now I have lost 50lbs and I am down to 168! I am so happy to get on the scale now. (In the privacy of my bathroom of course.) It has been a long road, but I am so much happier and I seriously jumped for joy when I hit the wondrous one hundreds! Good luck to all of you and I hope you really celebrate when you hit the one hundreds. Promise yourself a abig gift once you hit the mark. That helped me with motivation.
  • Dottie27
    Dottie27 Posts: 159 Member
  • jpeterburs88
    jpeterburs88 Posts: 201 Member
    I have crossed that border more times than I can count! So I guess that makes me an expert. :wink: I struggled with being over 200 for years (my heighest was around 218). I am only 5'2, so carrying that amount of weight was not an easy task. I started to work out and lost about 16 lbs, so close to 200! Then, in an effort to speed up my progress I tried to lose weight the unhealthy way, by eating next to nothing and taking diet pills. This did get me under 200 (only 198) and I vowed the rest of my journey would be healthy and I would never see a two hundred something on the scale again. Low and behold, I gained the weight back from the diet pills after I stopped taking them and shot back up at 205... which is where I stayed for about a year. Then, Thanks to this site, I was about to cross that bridge from the 200's into Onderland FOR GOOD. It feels WONDERFUL to be able to say I weight 1 something. And I will NEVER be back to the 200's again!
    You can all do it, it is so nice here in Onederland!! :)
  • kfitz10103
    kfitz10103 Posts: 354
    Well I haven't been 199 since 2006 and thats only b/c I did Atkins in 2004 for my wedding and got down to 178. I was over 200 beofre 2004. My highest weight in 2010 was 253. My starting weight when I started dieting was 218 and now I have lost 50lbs and I am down to 168! I am so happy to get on the scale now. (In the privacy of my bathroom of course.) It has been a long road, but I am so much happier and I seriously jumped for joy when I hit the wondrous one hundreds! Good luck to all of you and I hope you really celebrate when you hit the one hundreds. Promise yourself a a big gift once you hit the mark. That helped me with motivation.

  • deniseg31
    deniseg31 Posts: 667 Member
    I arrived at ONEderland exactly 1 month ago today. Yay!! Best feeling ever not being in the 2-0-0's!

    You guys can so do it! I once considered myself (and sometimes still do) a very lazy person. I would just sit there with a bowl of chips/popcorn and watch TV for hours after work in the evenings and on the weekends. I complained about bad knees, bad back and achey feet. So, if I've been able to loose weight so can anybody out there. We just have to set our mind straight and focus on our goal!

    As the Yo Gabba Gabba gang would say.... "♪♫...keep trying, keep trying, don't give up, never give up...♫♪"
  • shelcof
    shelcof Posts: 62 Member
    My motivation and reward? My best friend is giving me her treadmill (which has a weight limit of 200) as soon as I get below 200 :)
  • dbower18
    dbower18 Posts: 40 Member
    Crossed the perimeter a few weeks back, and then got kicked out a week or so later. Held incommunicado at just over 200 by surly border sentries who finally let their guard down about a week ago. This time I am in disguise (Groucho glasses) and hope to sneak past 190 before they find me again. If you see me around just pretend you don't know me.
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    My all-time heaviest weight was 294 but I was right around 280 for 6 years, until I started MFP back in mid September 2010 and reached ONEderland at the end of April/beginning of May (I can't remember the date). I now weigh about 186 and I can't even begin to tell you how wonderful it is to be fit and healthy (I'm 5'10" with a large bone structure, so I actually AM fit and healthy at 186, although I still want to drop a few more pounds).
    When I was obese, I looked and felt at least 20 years older than I was (I'm 27 now). I was always tired, had no confidence, and was just miserable.
    I am so blessed, not just because I look better (which is just a bonus, really), but mostly because I am fit and healthy and am setting a good example for my family and friends.
  • dawnw30
    dawnw30 Posts: 270
    I have had 9 pregnancies and 5 kids in the last 11 years. I ballooned up to 251 pounds after all the infertility problems, treatments, pregnancies and kids - it was alot of stress. I also have 2 special needs kids. When they act up I stuff my face (or so I used to). I have been overweight just about my whole life - just not as big as I was when I joined MFP. I have been here since March and have lost 62 pounds so far. I am now at 188 pounds! Before my 1st daughter was born I wore a size 14 and guess what? I am wearing a 14 once again! I started out a size 22!

    I was thinking I was never going to get to onerland - but I did it! I was so proud of myself! But I am not done. I have 38 more pounds to go...and you know what? If I lost 62 I can surely do 38!! It just takes time, patience and alot of hard work. Anyone can do it...and to everyone out there who is struggling right now - just remember - you CAN do it!! It took you how long to get to where you are? You can't undo it in a single day or even month. Don't get discouraged - just keep moving toward that "magic" number and to making yourself feel awesome!!

    Good luck on your journey! :flowerforyou:
  • vallejos6
    vallejos6 Posts: 146 Member
    The thing I remember the most about being in the 200s was pain.. pain in my knees, my hips, my feet, my back. Waking up every morning and coming down the stairs, everything creaked and popped and I just felt awful. I was 216, and just loosing that first 20 pounds and moving back into onederland took almost all that pain away. I had more energy and nothing hurt. (of course, as I sit here this morning, my butt hurts, my thighs hurt and my calves hurt, but it's funny that I don't mind the aches of exercise while the stress pain of the weight really bothered me, LOL) But, the poster who pointed out that crossing that bridge doesn't mean a let down in effort or anticipation of the next milestone. I'm starting to get the "140s" anticipation, and I can't wait for that one either!
  • MimerT
    MimerT Posts: 195 Member
    4 mores pounds I can't wait!!!!! Thanks for the success stories!
  • th1nkth1nmama
    I reached ONDERLAND yesterday finally after struggling for the last 7 yrs with my weight. I was a healthy 138 after meeting my husband. Got comfortable in our relationship and climbed up to 175 for my wedding in 2004. Within a few months of my wedding I climbed up to 200 and beyond. I was 249 the day before I gave birth in 2009 came down to pre-preg weight at 223 and went back up to 231. In January and friend of mine and I made a commitment to get fit and I've still struggled along the way but have lost 26lbs since January.
    Onederland is wonderful but I am praying I don't mess up again. Just taking it one day at a time, somedays, one hour or minute at a time. Whatever works.
  • tjames719
    tjames719 Posts: 136 Member
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