Binge Eating



  • leonardk09
    leonardk09 Posts: 86 Member
    I just got REALLY upset reading this. Binge eating is just like any other eating disorder (Anorexia, Bullemia), and a lot of people struggle with it everyday. It's a different form of personal mutilation, but it's just as hurtful to the person and their body.

    I was a binge eater from age 9 to about 18. Very recently, I sort of took life by the balls and told myself to stop. I realized how much I was putting into my body, literally 3000+ calories per day! I'm also a psychology major, and reading about eating disorders definitely made me realize I had one. No doctor had ever told me, and my parents didn't even try to stop it. When I went out to eat with my parents or friends, I would eat about 5 bites, and then get a take-out box so that I could eat an entire meal in 5 moments when alone at home watching tv. You get that 10 minutes of pure pleasure eating absolute crap, and then feel TERRIBLE afterwards. However, instead of vomiting it up, I would let it sit in my body until it digested. Same sick cycle over and over again.

    My point is. You don't have to be overweight to be considered a binge eater. It takes serious self realization (like this post you created) to conclude you need help. If I were you, I would see a therapist and a nutritionist. Together, they can help you overcome your binging habits.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,750 Member
    I'm back!

    I just went and saw my doctor, and honestly just admitting to her that I have a problem makes me feel like a weight has been lifted!

    She gave me Wellbutrin and wants to see me again in 2 weeks to see how that is working out. She also set me up with counselling and I already got a call from him to set up an appointment. I start seeing him Tuesday evening. I am so happy I was taken seriously.

    I feel a million times better right now! I turn 30 in October and getting healthy will be an amazing gift to myself but I know I'm a long way from it.

    Yay!!! :drinker: :heart: :flowerforyou:
  • shy_46
    shy_46 Posts: 36
    I also suffer with Binge Eating and I am an emotional eater as well, deadly combo for me. I have let it rule my life for so long. I also started seeing a therapist but also joined Overeaters anonymous. Because of these to wonderful tools I have now been able to be more aware of what I am doing and able to think more clearly and help the process of trying to stop.
  • pittielover23
    Another binge eater here. I have also struggled with bulimia, although I have been out of the binge/purge cycle for quite a few years now. It has just been binge I have struggled with. It was not unusual for me to drive through mcdonalds and order 3 meals, and eat it all. Therapy, therapy and more therapy...cannot reccomend it enough. I am not better, and I still have bingey moments, but they are MUCH less frequent, and the amount of food I consume is less and less. I think I will always have some kind of inclination to binge (much like and alcoholic is always an alcoholic), but I just want to get to the point where it is not a constant struggle.
  • kariannk
    kariannk Posts: 60 Member
    i talked with a shrink and eventually it became easier, but i still have to consciously be aware when i'm emotional to control myself. it's a struggle sometimes but it can be beaten. good luck
  • kylielouttit
    kylielouttit Posts: 512 Member
    I took my first wellbutrin last night and I felt like a zombie the whole evening, hopefully it's just because I was so tired.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,750 Member
    I took my first wellbutrin last night and I felt like a zombie the whole evening, hopefully it's just because I was so tired.
    You may have side effects at first that go away after a week or so. I've heard that's pretty common with Wellbutrin. I've also heard it's worth putting up with. I hope that's true for you. :flowerforyou: