Working out at home

Hu guys

So, i was wandering, how many of you solely work out at home, with home dvds? I have spoken to a few people who have said they couldnt do it because it would be too easy for them to simply decide they couldnt be bothered.

I have only done home workouts, apart from walking to work and have them them to be brilliant, I love the fact i can get home stick on a pair of old joggers, not give too hoots about what i look like and go for it, even doing two or three if i fancy. So far ive done 30DS, pump it up 1 and 2, Jillians Yoga Meltdown and six week six pack.

So how have you found it? why did you opt for them and how succesful have you found them? which ones have you done?


  • Msaip
    Msaip Posts: 482 Member
    I solely work out at home with dvd's minus the running if im feeling up to it.....its worked for me! I dont have the money to join a gym...
  • woja9640
    woja9640 Posts: 450 Member
    Don't "work out" per say but I do have a pilates dvd I follow on my days off from the gym. I really like it and find it easy to follow.... when my 22 months old niece isn't trying to do the exercises with me LOL.
  • wbond
    wbond Posts: 363 Member
    I do Insanity and P90X....
  • Louise12
    Louise12 Posts: 389 Member
    hey soooo in order to save money i have transitioned from the gym to home workouts.... and i have to say im getting better results at home.. i got JM 30 DS....BFBM and 6WK 6 PK...i too enjoy being able to work out in any scruffy clothing..and messy hair lol ! and i like the fact that i dont need to travel home afterwards..

    i think im getting better results becuase th dvds are really motivating and work out the whole body wheras at the gym it was so easy to stick to just one machine..etc.. so i would reccomend im enjoying my home workouts!
  • littlecaponey2
    littlecaponey2 Posts: 143 Member
    No gym here either. I soley workout at home with Turbo Fire and walk some days. I like the flexibility of working out at home.
  • wbond
    wbond Posts: 363 Member
    So how have you found it? why did you opt for them and how succesful have you found them? which ones have you done?

    Sorry forgot this part...P90X entails weight training where Insanity is high intense cardio. Both are really good and have lost a lot of weight but toned up muscle too...
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,323 Member
    The only workout I do outside of my house is running. I have somewhere in the neighborhood of 30-40 dvds I can choose from. Here are my favorites...

    Turbo Jam (lost 40-50 pounds while using this and others)
    Turbo Fire (broke through a plateau with this)
    ChaLean Extreme
    Biggest Loser (Cardio Max, Power Sculpt, 1st dvd)
    Jillian Michaels (30DS, Banish Fat, No More Trouble Zones)
    Walk Away the Pounds (many of these)
    Billy Blanks Bootcamp

    and many more...
  • wildeone4
    wildeone4 Posts: 204 Member
    I feel it's easier for me (especially in the winter) because I don't have to get out and go. On cold mornings it's so tempting just to stay home because it's so cold to leave! I've also found, just like you mentioned, I can wear what I want! I have been doing Insanity, so I sweat like crazy! I don't have to feel gross in front of people being that sweaty! I also feel I get a better workout. At the gym I could never work my entire body like I do with workout dvds! I also like the fact that it's under an hour, and with the gym I'd need to do an hour and a half, plus the drive there and back! That's just my views though!

    I have done Turbo Jam, Insanity, and the Shakeology workout! I love them! Insanity is my main workout though and I have gotten in much better shape (although I still have lots of improvement to go haha)! I have never been pushed this hard before and love that feeling!!
  • AHealthierRhonda
    AHealthierRhonda Posts: 881 Member
    Mostly I workout at home. I use our elliptical machine, Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred, Zumba dvd, Zumba Wii, and various cardio type exercises throughout the day. I do go to at least 1 Zumba class a week since I work at home it is nice to get out once in a while!!! I find it harder to get motivated to get ready to go to a gym than I do getting motivated to get moving at home. Plus like you said, I don't care how I look at all since no one will see me, hopefully. Neighbors have stopped by during a Wii or Jillian session!
  • wbond
    wbond Posts: 363 Member
    No gym here either. I soley workout at home with Turbo Fire and walk some days. I like the flexibility of working out at home.

    Turbo Fire is really good too... I am not that coordinated to keep up with all those
  • Angela_MA
    Angela_MA Posts: 260
    I too workout at home and I love it! As you, I can do it anytime and i love the fact that i do not have to commute anywhere or pay a monthly fee to use equiptment. I have invested in some workout DVDs, weights, HR monitor, and resistance bands and love it. When I used to workout at the gym I always felt pressure and more stressed. Plus waiting for certain machines or not getting on a machine when I wanted it wasted my time. Being at home, for me is less stress and I still burn a ton of calories and work my *kitten* off! :happy: I save money in the long run too; no gym fees, no daycare/babysitter fees, and i am not using gas or commuter fees to get to and from the gym!! :wink:
  • MiNiMoNkI
    MiNiMoNkI Posts: 447 Member
    Mostly I workout at home. I use our elliptical machine, Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred, Zumba dvd, Zumba Wii, and various cardio type exercises throughout the day. I do go to at least 1 Zumba class a week since I work at home it is nice to get out once in a while!!! I find it harder to get motivated to get ready to go to a gym than I do getting motivated to get moving at home. Plus like you said, I don't care how I look at all since no one will see me, hopefully. Neighbors have stopped by during a Wii or Jillian session!

    MY best mate and partners mates turn up out of the blue, theyre all sitting there in the living room, chatting with a cuppa and i just keep going, ive become oblivious to anyone around me, it doesnt embarass me or detract from what im doing, strange but i just dont care! my home! my workout! :) even tho they laugh at me and mock me :-/
  • MiNiMoNkI
    MiNiMoNkI Posts: 447 Member
    No gym here either. I soley workout at home with Turbo Fire and walk some days. I like the flexibility of working out at home.

    Turbo Fire is really good too... I am not that coordinated to keep up with all those

    I really want this dvd and P90X however i dont have £60 floating around :(
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,239 Member
    I workout at home,and have since the beginning of my weight loss. I use Tae-bo DVDs, Insanity and my own body weight programs. I have had good success with that.
  • lilvixen84
    lilvixen84 Posts: 100
    i just use exercise bike and wii fit :indifferent:
  • mommyJto3
    mommyJto3 Posts: 139 Member
    I have worked out at home over the past year since my second son was born. I either run outside or do P90X/Insanity videos (which i have done for 6 months now). i really miss going to the gym and participating in group classes, like body pump, cycling, and yoga.
  • bhurley1424
    bhurley1424 Posts: 927 Member
    I'm doing it at home for the most part also minus the occasional morning walk on the weekends (it's way to HOT during the day). I work full time and have a 7 month old baby so I want to spend as much time as I can with her. I have a gym membership thru work but I just can't seem to get there right now - maybe at some point. In the meantime doing 30 day shred and just got my Zumba - Wii game in the mail yesterday. :smile:
  • jenttifer
    jenttifer Posts: 90 Member
    I only workout at home. I have found that when I join a gym I end up not going after a few just seems too out of the way. I also like the ease of doing my workout in the privacy of my own living room without worrying about other people and what they think...I end up being more free and trying more things. I can even workout in just my shorts and sports bra if I want to! I walk around town, I have an exercise bike I do some days, some varying videos, and I also love checking out what's free ON DEMAND. They have tons of different workouts for free...some are only 10-20 minutes long so you can do more than one. They have belly dancing which I would NEVER try outside of the privacy of my living room, but with this I can do that, too! It changes up my workout, it's free, and I get a variety of workouts. I have had a lot of success at home in the past, but I'm the kind of "lone workout girl"...I don't necessarily need someone pushing me...and prefer not to be held back by anyone, either. Good luck!
  • bzmom
    bzmom Posts: 1,332 Member
    I also work out at home. Since I work full time and have 3 kids its hard to make time for everything for me Im already so busy as it is. I do run outside of the home during lunch break at work it helps clear my mind and even though I have a treadmil at home I love to run outside.

    For home I have Zumba wii, Brazil Butt Lift, & Chalean Extream. I also have turbo fire, and Insanity but have not even started those LOL!!
  • sundancer1966
    sundancer1966 Posts: 478 Member
    I work out at home, tried the gym and personal trainer, no results, well, i maintained. I love working out at home, and have an extensive library to choose from. Right now I am doing the 20week TurboFire, but when i have the time and energy, i can do some of my other DVD's for fun and an extra burn. I have the NY City Ballet 1 and 2, many Bellydancing, and also go to Exercise TV for other ideas.

    I discuss the gym with my friends, some swear by the gym, and they get results. I think it is up to the individual, and works best. As long as we are moving it is all good, and of course watch what we eat.