
I've been a member since February of 2010. When I first started I went from a size 6-8 to a 4-6 which I never thought possible. I've had my ruts where I'll get lazy and forget to log everything or not track what I'm eating and have oscillated between 145 and 155.

I had a trip to Hawaii to look forward to in May, so starting in March I was REALLY dedicated to staying under my calorie goal and improving my running and I got down to 145. Now I'm back between 147 and 150 (depends on the day) and STUCK. I'm running just as much and never go over my calorie goal. I'm frustrated even though I'm pretty sure it's because my body is "used to" all of the running and netting 1300 calories a day.

I've read many "plateau" articles that suggest playing around with the amount of calories consumed, or amount of exercise, or the amount of weight training. I'm upping the weight lifting from sporadic to at least 3 times a week and adding in swimming and/or elliptical for cross-training.

Any other suggestions? What worked for you? I've NEVER been under 145 (not since 10th grade at least) and would like to at least SAY I can be... my body seems to really like being between 145 and 150 which BMI wise at 5'7.5" is healthy but I'm not satisfied just yet.


  • linsben
    linsben Posts: 108 Member
    You should try going primal for 30 days and see if that helps lean you out.

    All the info you would need to go low carb is there.
    I guess its the low carb im suggesting but my favorite take on this is the Primal blueprint by Marc sisson. That link is for his website and all the info from the book is basically online.
    I'm planning to go back to eating primal mid July(got a lot going on right now) it can be difficult to stick with long term but you feel amazing and i experienced increased weightloss eating primally.
  • hng2101
    hng2101 Posts: 54 Member
    Thanks, I'll look into it