Foods you don't have to make an effort to avoid.

I know we all have those foods that it takes every ounce of our willpower to avoid. For me, it's crisps and apple pie. One slice of pie or cake is just never enough so I won't even start if I'm trying to behave myself. I think I'm doing okay with the crisps - I have one packet per day but I crave more like nobodies business. Multi-packs or those "sharing" bags (YEAH RIGHT) are not safe around me.

..but what about those higher calorie foods that just make you go "meh"
I'm really interested to hear some answers cos I'm sure my food crack is someone elses worst nightmare and vice-versa.

Mine are full fat drinks and white bread. I have no interest at all.
Growing up I was never allowed 'normal coke' - I was given water, juice and very occasionally diet pop. I'm actually grateful to my dad for that as I still can't drink the normal stuff to this day..makes my teeth feel furry. Yuck!! Plus - over 100 calories for a DRINK? Pfft..I could have a whole cereal bar for that!! (Or packet of crisps but I'm being good :bigsmile:)
White bread just makes me want to run for the hills :laugh:
I think that comes from doing Slimming World where 1 slice of thick white bread is 10 syns (I was meant to eat 10 PER DAY and the thought of spending them on one half a sandwich depressed the hell outta me! Wholemeal all the way for me)

What about you?


  • Creiche
    Creiche Posts: 264 Member
    I know I'm weird, but anything super chocolate-y is easy for me to avoid. I've always been more of a fruity dessert person rather than rich chocolate person, but I do enjoy a small candy or a chocolate chip cookie every so often.
  • jrueckert
    jrueckert Posts: 355 Member
    Any kind of pop
    White Bread
    Greasy Cheeseburgers
    Hot Dogs
    Whole Milk
    Doritos (this is one that came slowly...)
  • scubacat
    scubacat Posts: 346 Member
    I dont like doughnuts, never have
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I hate sweets. I know that makes me a freak, but I never eat much of them.
  • kennie2
    kennie2 Posts: 1,171 Member
    oily fish. probably should eat it but it makes me feel so greasy. and pretty much that also covers most fried foods and fast food like mcdonalds
  • Keegansmum6
    Keegansmum6 Posts: 193 Member
    white sandwich bread (rolls are another story lol)
    whole milk
  • jujubean1992
    jujubean1992 Posts: 462 Member
    it's so so so hard to avoid ICE CREAM! every time i walk past the ice cream isle it's like buy me buy me buy me! i usually say no but if i say yes it usually doesn't make it to the freezer because it's like eat me eat me eat me!

    but it's SO easy to say no to pizza! blek! i've been making pizza for too long to want it. occasionally i have some... from a different pizza place of course. but i haven't had it in a long time. but when my fiance (who really needs to gain a good 40 lbs) brings some six cheese anything home i want some... no sauce of course, i hate our pizza sauce.
  • jacksamjack
    jacksamjack Posts: 146 Member
    I agree with the full fat drinks, can't touch 'em. Also full fat milk (a throw-back to years as a Weight Watcher), crisps, anything in pastry (instant indigestion), sausages (uuugghhhh!!) and sugar coated cereals...

    Despite this, I am an absolute sucker for a party sized sausage roll - they have been my undoing many a time, after a vat of alcoholic beverage!!! LOL. :laugh:
  • Pril2000
    Pril2000 Posts: 254 Member
    This is a neat question!

    There are some foods that hold no interest for me.

    I also do not drink regular soda. I was not really allowed it as a child and if I was, it was diet caffeine free and it was one per day. I really try not to drink any calories at all. Only diet and then only one a day or none at all. I love coffee and so I can have one of those in the morning and it's only as many calories as the skim milk you put in it!

    I have no desire to eat candy bars. Not really a big chip person. I used to love cheetos before I started dieting, but now, I guess I've gotten over it. I haven't had any (not even the baked ones) in months.

    The foods I can't resist? Pizza. I have to have a slice of cheese pizza once a week or at least once every other week. If I don't, well, I run the risk of ordering an entire pizza from pizza hut and horking the whole thing in one go. (I haven't done this in months, but it used to be a problem of mine). So now, I know I need to have a slice now and then to keep the pizza monster at bay.

    I don't care for doughnuts that much. They are good, but for the calories, not worth it. We go to an Amish market every week to get groceries and they bake their own doughnuts every day. It's the first thing you smell and see when you walk in. I can honestly walk right by it and not even think about buying one. It's weird. But then, I walk by the cheese and I'm all, "Yes please!"

  • stephn1
    stephn1 Posts: 21 Member
    I don't like salty food.. I don't like chips or french fries.
  • MichelleF81
    MichelleF81 Posts: 98 Member
    I really don't have a sweet tooth so it's easy for me to avoid these things and not feel any sense of loss or longing!! Savory treats on the other hand.......come to mama!!!
  • dragonflydi
    dragonflydi Posts: 665 Member
    fast food of any kind (what a change that is)
    sugary cereal
  • Cdcaldwe
    Cdcaldwe Posts: 189 Member
    Kinda neat to see how many people don't crave the sweet stuff. I have never had a big craving for sweats. Red meat and anything deep fried howver.
  • Jenscan
    Jenscan Posts: 694 Member
    I'm not into sweets either. Dark chocolate is a notable exception :) but on the whole, I don't have any problem avoiding doughnuts or pastries, cake, pie, etc. Cookies are somewhat tempting to me though.

    On the other hand... give me something salty like chips, fries, or popcorn and I'm a sitting duck.
  • DeBlue
    DeBlue Posts: 254 Member
    Fried Chicken
    Pork Rinds

    .... but I'm a vegetarian... is that cheating?
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    I do not have a sweet tooth at all. In fact, store bought cakes are too sweet for me, especially their disgusting frosting, where I can't even choke down a slice of cake at office party functions. I find myself having to reduce the sugar in many recipes for baked goods to suit my tastes (my husband is like me too!). It is just a theory but I am thinking the less sugar you eat on a day to day basis, the less tolerance you have for it in general.

    I could also live my life without ever seeing chocolate again. I mean, I like it well enough, but I wouldn't be upset if I never had it again. I also don't like soda at all, so staying away from those empty calories is easy for me!

    Lest I sound too perfect, I have no portion control when it comes to pizza! Cheese is also a big weakness. And sweet potato fries, onion rings...
  • Namaste1983
    Namaste1983 Posts: 603 Member
    Fast food... I stopped eating it 2 years ago and i never have cravings for it. Even though my roommate survives on it lol. I cook and prep healthy foods but she wont touch them... possibly the reason she has been gaining. Either way, I cant stand how it smells, it doesnt even smell like real food to me anymore. This is from a gril who used to eat a spicy chicken and 2 double cheeseburgers with fries and a coke. I just need to move on from my sweet cravings now
  • flausa
    flausa Posts: 534 Member
    I really don't have a sweet tooth so it's easy for me to avoid these things and not feel any sense of loss or longing!! Savory treats on the other hand.......come to mama!!!

    Oh aye! I sat at a mummy and toddler group today with a stack of 4 kinds of biscuits in front of me, and I not at all bothered by them. For some reason I've been able to think of sugary foods as their components (sugar, fat, flour) and I'm not not interested any more. I don't mind those things separately (still like sugar in my coffee, don't mind a bit of butter on a sweet potato, and I love homemade wholemeal bread), but I don't want to eat them all together in one big splodge ... ugh.

    Dominoe Pizza or our local Indian curry house used to provide a meal for us once a week, but now all I can envision is the horrible unnecessary grease in them both and am not interested (made a lovely curry at home tonight that was soooo much tastier and cheaper than takeaway).

    I used to eat the excess fat on cuts of meat, but now I gag at the thought.

    Weird the way eating healthier has actually made me crave healthier!
  • mikeyml
    mikeyml Posts: 568 Member
    Pretty much any dessert. You could fill my entire house with cheese cake, pies, muffins, doughnuts, ice cream, ice cream cake, candy bars, cookies, etc and I would say meh. The only exception is if I have to smell it while baking.

    Same goes with fast food. I actually feel dirty when I think about eating fast food.

    Chocolate = way overrated. Unless it's freshly made chocolate peanut butter fudge. :)

    Snack foods. I don't really care about popcorn or potato chips or pretzels or any of that.

    French fries. They're ok...not my favorite. I could live without having them again and be happy.

    However, do not put things like pizza, wings, burritos, quesadillas or burgers in front of me because I will seriously bite you.
  • Nanadena
    Nanadena Posts: 739 Member
    Liver, creamed corn or any veggies, spaghetti, pizza, cheese smothered anything.