Recommendations on diet pills?

Has anyone tried & successfully loss weight off of any diet pills? Especially ones from GNC or Walmart. Any success stories are welcomed to be posted. Also send me any friend requests. I love being able to stay motivated to loose te weight and follow peoples weight loss stories! Thank you and goodluck to everyone on there weight loss journeys :)



  • boomboom011
    boomboom011 Posts: 1,459
    uh oh take cover
  • leighton1245
    leighton1245 Posts: 125
    Most of them are more like a placebo, so with that said the proper diet and lots of great exersice is the best bet. good luck
  • Hodar
    Hodar Posts: 338 Member
    Yes, plant them about 2 inches deep and at least 8 inches apart
  • kissandxmakeup
    I actually take OxyElite Pro from GNC and I think it works great. I have tons of energy without feeling jittery and I feel like a whole new person. It also helps to curb the hunger pains if you're reducing your calorie intake. I work out everyday and eat healthy, so I'm just supplementing. I also take a multi-vitamin, so it just helps to give that little extra. I hope you find the right one for you! Good luck!
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Has anyone tried & successfully loss weight off of any diet pills? Especially ones from GNC or Walmart. Any success stories are welcomed to be posted. Also send me any friend requests. I love being able to stay motivated to loose te weight and follow peoples weight loss stories! Thank you and goodluck to everyone on there weight loss journeys :)


    With only 8 lbs to lose, why do you think you need any diet pill? Just eat at a moderate caloric deficit (set your goal for 0.5lbs/week) monitor your intake and you will meet your goal.
  • runnermel
    runnermel Posts: 278
    uh oh take cover

    haha! that's so true!! and my response is....before mfp I tried them all, and they don't work!! so, save your money and time. and start losing now the healthy way. hugs and kisses your is such a frustrating thing to wait for the results. we want it right now!!
  • missxlaur
    missxlaur Posts: 286
    I actually take OxyElite Pro from GNC and I think it works great. I have tons of energy without feeling jittery and I feel like a whole new person. It also helps to curb the hunger pains if you're reducing your calorie intake. I work out everyday and eat healthy, so I'm just supplementing. I also take a multi-vitamin, so it just helps to give that little extra. I hope you find the right one for you! Good luck!

    i absolutely agree! i take oxyelite pro and it reeeally curbs my appetite without making me feel jittery. i too work out a lot and eat healthy, and i make sure to take my multivitamin every day. i feel great on it. one thing, though, is that it does dehydrate you so you have to drink a LOT of water per day, but if you don't mind that then it's great!
  • tlems
    tlems Posts: 104 Member
    "uh oh take cover"

  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member

    Generally speaking, most of the people on Myfitnesspal don't endorse the use of diet pills for weight loss. Not because they may or may not work (some do, some don't) but because of A) the possible negative side effects and dangers associated with many diet pills and B) that they are, for most people, a form of short cut. While we have nothing against trying to lose weight at the fastest pace possible while staying healthy, pills elicit a specific problem, they are temporary, and like any temporary diet, you have to change your diet once when you go on them, and learn to eat with them, then, once you go off them you have to re-learn how to eat healthy all over again, and generally this comes with a cost of weight gain, and sometimes health issues.

    So you see, most of the experienced MFP success stories won't endorse a diet pill strategy. There are, of course, other reasons not to use them, but these are two of the bigger ones IMHO.

    I'm not judging mind you, I'm just telling you why you may find less positive response to this thread than you might have expected. IMHO it's your body, if you do the research and decide a pill is right for you, more power to you, you did more work than a lot of others anyway.

    best luck

  • boomboom011
    boomboom011 Posts: 1,459
    this is one area i actually have knowledge and experience in. My fav were the ones prescribed by the dr. however i have been to the dr approx 4-5 times in the past 5 years trying to get rid of my weight only to not stick with it and gain EVERYTHING that i lost back. So all the nights of not sleeping cause of the pills and all the meals I missed (that were probably fairly decent re: calories) to just gain it all back.

    Not to mention the way i feel after a day of diet-pillin' it up and the grouchiness/irritiablity just aint worf it in MHO. I feel so much better now that i am not on anything. Plus i can honestly say I did it the healthy way.

    Of course EVERYONE swears that i took something to lose 20 pounds but I swear i took nothing. Thats why i have been able to keep it off.

    Just my 2 cents.
  • dida0721
    dida0721 Posts: 107 Member
    I think I have tried them all. My food problem is more emotional than actual physical hunger and no pill will work for that. I've tried expensive products from GNC and Complete Nutrition hoping they would give me the incentive to start something. I've tried cheaper stuff from Walmart. It doesn't work. May help control appetite some, but doesn't help me lose weight because I didn't get to where I am by just eating when I'm hungry.

    I have no opinion on whether they would work for you or not.
  • tladame
    tladame Posts: 465 Member
    I don't have any recommendations. But it seems like most diet pills work "along with a diet and exercise regimen"...if you're doing the diet and exercise, you probably won't need the pills.
  • magicpianos
    First of all (and I can't stress this enough), you CAN'T skip dieting and you CAN'T skip exercising. If you're looking for a "magic pill" that will do the work for you (and I don't think you are), it does not exist.

    Second of all, before buying any product, I suggest that you do your research, and consult with your doctor to make sure that what you want to take is actually safe for you and doesn't have any hidden adverse side effects.

    That said, I experimented with Jillian Michaels' Fat Burners a little while ago and actually saw some great results from them. If you keep up with Jillian at all, you know she's an all-natural freak, so her supplements are safe. Now, she has been caught up in litigation over her supplements fairly recently, but all of the lawsuits have since been dismissed, and not because she settled. The judge ruled that there was insufficient evidence. I had to stop taking them though because I had to go on a medication for a blood disorder and my doctor was worried that they would clash and that my body wouldn't know what the crap to do with itself. :)

    Personally, if there's any way that you can drop the weight WITHOUT help from a supplement, that would be the ideal method for me. But to each their own, so if you're going to choose a supplement, check with your doctor, do your research online to make sure it's not currently caught up in litigation/lawsuits (and if it has been in the past, what the results of those lawsuits were), and pay careful attention to your body's reactions if/when you start to take them. If it doesn't feel right, stop immediately.
  • glenr79
    glenr79 Posts: 283 Member
    Do not take DIET PILLS!!!!!! You will lose weight temporarily, but you know you can't take it forever. When you quit you will gain the weight back twice as much!! Your best bet is to exercise and have a proper diet and you will keep the weight off forever. It might take longer but you will a lot more healthier and be able to keep it off in the long run!!!! Diet pills are horrible for your body! You need to do cardio, lift weights and eat properly :)
  • kklindsey
    kklindsey Posts: 382 Member
    oh no I am in a naughty mood today. Since most over the counter diet pills are just caffeine, why don't you search the forum for threads on diet soda? It is loaded with caffeine and could give you the same results as diet pills.
  • daisymae9801
    daisymae9801 Posts: 208 Member
    uh oh take cover

    Haha my thoughts exactly!
  • Bringing_SexxyBack
    Bringing_SexxyBack Posts: 3 Member
    I am also using Oxy Elite Pro, the reviews were great so i thought i would try them along with eating healthy , exercise and using myfitnesspal. this week i lost 6 lbs so far, i figure its water weight but its still something. I am also taking the GNC multi vitamin, Good Luck Everyone on your weight loss journey!
  • FoxxyGirl84
    I take phentermine and I think it works great. I have been on it for about a month and I have lost 8 pounds. I work out 4 or 5 times a week as well. The medicine helps me to control my eating. I don't feel the side effects everyone talks about. i sleep fine and I am not jittery. The downside it, they have to be prescribed. I think they are helping me to learn portion control and healthy habits. Of course, you still have to watch what you eat and exercise but I can tell a BIG difference in my hunger cravings. :)
  • dittiepe
    dittiepe Posts: 557 Member
    Diet, exercise and if you need energy, take B complex :) As a nurse, I've seen the problems and side effects of the diet pill market, and I run far, far away from them.
    Phentermine wasn't that part of fen-phen?
  • FoxxyGirl84
    Yes, but that drug was made up of two medicines and phentermine was not shown to cause harmful effects ... I started taking it because some girls at work we taking it and got great results. You have to be above a certain BMI to get it and my doctor said he would only prescribe one round for me but I dont think I need another round. I like the progress I have made. As long as I can control my eating without it, I think ill be ok!