
mom22kiddies2 Posts: 12
edited September 19 in Motivation and Support
I have been doing well this week-- since Friday actually... And last night, I realized I have a problem with eating CRAP when I am stressed. My 18 year old son has signed up for the Army.. He should have more info today when he comes home from his physical, etc. I want him to do whatever he wants to in life to make himself happy, but yet-I am just so upset because of whats going on in the world. He's been my life for 18 years---so last night I ate 10 oreos when I wasn't even hungry! I don't know WHY I do this to myself, it doesn't change anything. But time and time again, I do it. It could have been worse--but it really made me realize last night, that my emotions make me eat whether I am hungry or not.... I switched to full time at school this term--which I think will help me ALOT since he will most likely be leaving for boot camp shortly. It will occupy my time.. Does anyone else do this with food? Thanks so much listening... :embarassed:


  • I have been doing well this week-- since Friday actually... And last night, I realized I have a problem with eating CRAP when I am stressed. My 18 year old son has signed up for the Army.. He should have more info today when he comes home from his physical, etc. I want him to do whatever he wants to in life to make himself happy, but yet-I am just so upset because of whats going on in the world. He's been my life for 18 years---so last night I ate 10 oreos when I wasn't even hungry! I don't know WHY I do this to myself, it doesn't change anything. But time and time again, I do it. It could have been worse--but it really made me realize last night, that my emotions make me eat whether I am hungry or not.... I switched to full time at school this term--which I think will help me ALOT since he will most likely be leaving for boot camp shortly. It will occupy my time.. Does anyone else do this with food? Thanks so much listening... :embarassed:
  • Fab140
    Fab140 Posts: 1,976 Member
    First of a sister and wife of military, honey, {hugs}. :flowerforyou: It isn't easy and God bless you for not shutting him down!!!

    And secondly, yes, I too have that problem. When I'm happy, when I'm sad, when I'm bored....I eat. What I'm learning to do is eliminate the option of grabbing that piece of chocolate or that thing of fries....I weigh what is more important to me: my health or the small amount of happiness that food will give me before insane guilt.

    Can I suggest a goal for you? When you know when he is leaving for bootcamp, set a goal to be fitter and healthier by the time he has his graduation (and please, there are never enough supportive parents at the Graduation!! Beg borrow and steal to get there, it is so worth it!). That was my mother's goal and she was amazing at my brother's graduation from Boot. (I, on the other hand, was smoking and at my heaviest ever!) This goal will help you occupy your mind and time while he's away and you will both come out of it stronger people.

    :heart: :heart:
  • You're worried for your son and eating oreos seems like a much better alternative that thinking about all the possibilities that are going through your mind right now. Don't beat yourself up over it. If you need comforting...come here and leave a post and we can give you all the support and encouragement that you need, although, oreos do taste better:happy: I find taking my walk in the evening helps me think about thing and helps me clear my mind. I take it all out on the pavement, if you know what I mean.

    Your son has made a very courageous decision about what he wants to do in proud and may God keep him safe where ever his journey takes him.
  • As a mother you have the right to be concern. I know for that moment you felt a since of fullfillment eating oreos. I have found that I eat when there is nothing for me to do, so now I have tried to put healthy snacks in the kitchen. So add the 100 calories snacks to the kitchen cabinet and the next time you want to snack, then you know you are eating healthy. I know that there will be a next time, so go shopping now. Like Megan said, set a goal to be healther by his graduation. This will not only help you but it will help relief his mind while he is away knowing that you are not stressing out. The more active you are the less time you will have to be stress, I promise you that. So, Get busy!!!!


    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    I also eat when stressed. I have been on MFP for 8 months. At first I did really good. eating the appropriate amount of calories. I saw my weight drop and got very excited. Then summer rolled around and I fell of a few times, eating more and feeling really bad. But, I did keep putting what I ate in the food log. Then as I kept going I found myself making better choices and not having the things that would put me over the calories. I just kept at it and finally it clicked and I do make better choices.

    I walk everyday now and I know that does help with stress.

    I guess what I am trying to say it just keep at it. You are going to have the ups and downs of stressful eating. Just keep at it and it will work.

    This has to be the best web site ever. The encouragement is fantastic and will get you through the tough times.

    God Bless you and your son. Just don't give up. When you fall get back up. The future will be great for you.


  • Thank you everyone for the kind words... I really needed it...

    I know i'll get through all of this... Especially with all of your help!!

    Thanks! :flowerforyou:
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