fell off the bandwagon

I went camping with the guys last weekend and it kicked off a weeks worth of overeating and no exercise. I was doing well with the "ripped in 30- Jillian Micheals" dvd. Now I'm finding excuses not to do it. I need to get back on the wagon. I can't believe how easy it was to go back to overeating and making bad choices. Not horrible ones but I saw a 4lb gain in one week. My spirit took a hit. I'm always good at telling others today is a new day....why can't I take that advice myself?


  • Soziberry
    Soziberry Posts: 115
    Because we feel guilty and put ourselves on a pedestal. When we fall, we don't see it and out hits hard. Just allow yourself 10 more mins of self pity and go stick Jillian on! Does it matter what time it is?
  • Avalonis
    Avalonis Posts: 1,540 Member
    Hey, welcome to the club!

    I went back to visit family for 3 days, and I was eating like crap. However, I did push myself to find SOME way to exercise out there, and that kept me on track.

    Get back on track, you got this. One weekend of overload isn't gonna derail you, you want it too much.
  • rschmmidt
    rschmmidt Posts: 296
    Now I'm finding excuses not to do it. I need to get back on the wagon. I can't believe how easy it was to go back to overeating and making bad choices.

    YES! I can't believe how easy it is to get off track and how fast the bad habits snowball once I do.
    Just get back with it, you can do it!
  • ronda_gettinghealthy
    ronda_gettinghealthy Posts: 777 Member
    I work with drug addicts and what I tell them is..... You WILL fall off the wagon at some point--not IF but WHEN,, it is ok--what is not ok is for you to sit on the side of the road and whine about it. Jump up and chase that wagon. Next thing is to make sure your wagon is full of supportive people- that way when you start running for the wagon you have lots of people cheering and encouraging you-- they can NOT get off to help you back on and they can not stop the wagon for you-- but when you make the desicion to get on they can lift you up and help you back in and once you are back on- keep those people around, because your recovery (insert fitness) is a bumpy ride and if there are plenty of you in the wagon you can help hold each other on.

    Good Luck-- Get Up and --Get Going
  • scouter318
    scouter318 Posts: 29 Member
    You can get back on track, but first, stop beating yourself up!

    My friend likes to tell me, "Just do 5 minutes". It's kinda hard to say no to that, right? 5 minutes is nothing. So, svg0918, just do 5 minutes! You'll see you can get going again!
  • sgv0918
    sgv0918 Posts: 851 Member
    Came home from a 12hr shift and got back on the Jillian bandwagon!!! Felt like i was gonna puke. Ate less than good supper but watched my calories all day so I could. Here's to the rest of my life!!!! Thanks to you all.
  • Soziberry
    Soziberry Posts: 115
    Well done! Bet you felt amazing and proud after doing your workout didn't you? I love that feeling.... Smug mode lol