how goes it? newbie here :)

hey, my name is caitlin:) i'm an 18 year old from Ontario, Canada. just looking for inspiration for my weight loss journey ahead of me. i've been told by my boyfriend and family i don't need to lose anything, but in the back of my mind i do. i want higher confidence, i wanna feel proud of my body and what clothes i wear. i want to be confident wearing a 2 piece bathing suit. i'm 127 pounds, but i feel like a million pounds. my goal is to get around 115-120. any tips to help me would be amazing, and friend requests are nice as well :)

how did you get to your goal weight? i'd love to know!


  • olag00
    olag00 Posts: 222
    P90X for me.

    Are you planning on doing a specific workout?
  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
  • caitlinmelinda
    i've been doing p90x for about 2-3 days now..honestly i just want a flatter stomach compared to anything else, i'll do anything haha