Better to change exercise gradually or instantly?

Hi all. I'm ridiculously curious about this topic. I'm not very educated on fitness so I figured I'd ask. I've heard it's best to change up your exercise routine every so often to keep the weight loss going, but I was just curious if it's better to do that instantly or if it's better to do it gradually...or does it even matter?

For examply, on May 1st I started a fitness challenge with a friend where we work out with a trainer for 1 hour, 2 days a week and on top of that we have a meal plan. Halfway through that challenge I added the 30 Day Shred. Halfway through the 30 Day Shred I added the Couch to 5K program. Our fitness challenge my 30 Day Shred round end soon and once they're done I plan on adding a cycling routine. So none of this is a real instant change. It's more over time. Will this affect my weight loss or is better to wait til the end of one program before starting another?