What I HATE about MFP...

5. All this damn calorie counting.
4. Jillian Michaels' a** every where I look reminding me to keep going.
3. The site isn't blocked by my job so I am constantly on these damn boards.
2. You "tell it like it is" or "im just sayin" truth tellers who refuse to let us hang on to our excuses disguised as reasons.

and the #1 thing I hate about MFP is -

You successfully losing the weight, healthy, hard charging, 5k running, ticking down to goal, ticking up to fitness, bringing sexy back cuz "ewww" ain't where its at, just a little more protein and a lot more muscle, hard bodied, super supportive, I did it so can you, skinny b*tches!

I swear to Bob if it wasn't for y'all I would have so much more in my life to complain about. Now all I have left to complain about are side stitches, sore knees, and lack of good HRM at an affordable price. Psssh, thanks alot y'all.

