
Im new to this and I would love to know what has worked for people... this is my first time in my life trying to lose weight and I don't even know how to go about it. I was very thin growing up and I never had to watch my eating or had to exercise. I had a baby over a year ago and I guess I just hoped that the weight I gained would just go away on its own... but it didn't. I have 18 pounds to lose. HELP!!! Any advice would be appeciated :)


  • MimerT
    MimerT Posts: 195 Member
    MFP has sure helped me! I tried it last year but tried to do it by myself. This time I added friends and made my food diary public. They can look at it and give support. This is a great tool! I know it will work for you too!!!
  • Gilbrod
    Gilbrod Posts: 1,216 Member
    One of the greatest tools ever!
  • BrookeMax
    BrookeMax Posts: 46
    Thats what Im hoping to do too! How did you go about finding and adding friends? Are they people that you actually know or just people that you have met through here? I think having friends on here would really make me feel accountable- and I really want to see some success!
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    drinking extra water, eating all your calories, including excercise calories, and having things u want in moderation instead of having "free days" or "off days" or "cheat days"... if u want a big piece of cake, have it, but fit it into your calories... amkes life easier than trying to limit what ur eating so drastically it makes life difficult.
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    I suggest you take a week just logging your normal food and exercise to get an idea of what you are eating "normally". Once you understand more about calories in context and not just as a floating concept you can set a goal for about 1lb a week and start making choices about what you eat and don't eat and how much to exercise and whatnot :) start small, the rest will come.
  • dorisholaway
    dorisholaway Posts: 531 Member
    Most of my friends are strangers to me. When I see people that request friends, then I add them, and they except my friend request, we can support each other. I will send you a friend request and it will be up to you to except if you want. Good luck to you!
  • LynnBirchfield
    LynnBirchfield Posts: 580 Member
    Look at some of the other posts and if there is someone on there that you would think you could use as a friend, send them a friend request with a little note. I only personally know one of my friends and that is my sister. But all my friends on here are so, so supportive. You can add me if you want. Good luck in your journey.