Any Singles in the Grey Bruce area????

apehead1 Posts: 87 Member
Well this seems like we are all starting a trend.

Just currious if there are any normal, value minded, romantic single ladies in the Grey Bruce Area.

Never know where one could find that needle in the haystack?


  • QTWolf
    QTWolf Posts: 2
    Eh eh heh

    Hitting on vulnerable women, are we?
    Seems like you are a wolf (true opportunist) to me...

    Was the point of this site not losing weight?

    I think you'd have been more honest if you proposed to lose weight together with a special 'sexercise' workout programme.

    Hope your quest is succesful, but man, just go out there and woe some!
  • apehead1
    apehead1 Posts: 87 Member
    Sorry you read into this message when there was nothing to read into it.

    I have lost the weight due to this site and truly and heartful thought it would be nice to meet someone in my area with the same interest and goal, in mind and nothing more.

    Maybee you will rethink your post.

    Kepp up the good work.