Flakey Work out Buddies

So I have three work out buddies at the moment. One is in another state for most of the summer. Another is about 25 minutes away from the gym we go to [Crunch only has two gyms in the Portland Metro Area]. And the other is close by but keeps flaking on me.

Someone else brought up on facebook that they want to join a gym and work out in the mornings and I replied, even though I haven't seen her in like five years back when we were in high school. So I am hoping that will be a commited person to work out with.

My question/problem is this: It is so hard for me to go to the gym without someone else, could partly be because I don't drive and to bus or walk takes a chunk of time. So when someone flakes on me, I just go home and do little tasks like cleaning the house. I easily compare myself to others and I see a lot of people on here working their butts off, I really want to too, but I have a hard time getting motivation.

I just bought 30 day shred and decided to do that when someone flakes on me, but it just seems like an effort. I guess I just need some uplifting words. I make excuses easily and take the easy route.


  • BranMuffin21
    BranMuffin21 Posts: 157 Member
    Go for a walk or run at home. You don't need a gym for that, and run up and down the stairs. Gives a good work out too.
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    How long does it take to walk to the gym? I briskly walk 15 minutes to mine and that's my warm up.
  • coolsmartygirl
    coolsmartygirl Posts: 299 Member
    A walk to my gym takes about 25 minutes or so maybe thirty, it's been a while since I walked home from there. I wish walking worked more calories!
  • Hsanders3961
    Hsanders3961 Posts: 245 Member
    I think your decision to buy 30 Day Shred was a great one. That is one of the few workouts that I don't have a problem getting the motivation to do. And it is an excellent workout! Too bad we arent closer...I would like a workout buddy too. But for now, I have Jillian, LOL.
  • pinkita
    pinkita Posts: 779 Member
    Bravo for your honesty!

    The first thing that came to mind when reading your post was, "Why do you need someone else to exercise?"

    Maybe the gym isn't for you? I've lost 32.8 lbs so far, and I did it without a gym. I've joined many gyms in the past--with friends and on my own--and stopped going after 2-3 times. Finally I figured out that I just don't like being indoors for exercise. I started walking and found that the more I did it, the more I kept doing it and the more I made myself do it. When I got home from work, I immediately changed into my workout clothes and shoes, and off I went to the park. I bought a pedometer, which really motivated me to walk harder/longer/faster.

    After a while, walking wasn't enough; I felt a need for higher intensity activity. So I bought a Jackie Warner Xtreme Personal Training DVD, which I do 4x/week. I like it because it's only 30 minutes.

    I prefer to walk/exercise alone, because when I'm with someone I feel like I don't walk as hard because I'm caught up in conversation, which slows me down. But maybe it'd be easier to find a walking buddy than a gym buddy, especially since many people are intimated by gyms. I just don't want to pay what they charge :)

    What did you enjoy doing when you were a kid? Swimming? Riding your bike? Dancing? Roller skating? I've read that when you're unmotivated, do whatever you enjoyed doing when you were a kid because you're more likely to keep it up. Maybe you're like me and just need to be outside. If so, this is a good time of year to explore the different options!

    Good luck!
  • coolsmartygirl
    coolsmartygirl Posts: 299 Member
    Do whatever you did as a kid makes me laugh because most kids these days just play video games. I loved bike riding, but my bike just got stolen a couple of months ago [the one I had since I was ten]. I do enjoy the gym a little because I love taking Zumba tuesday and thursday but it's hard to go alone, I haven't had to just yet, but I have skipped it because someone flaked.

    I was actually surprised how personable she seems in 30 day shred.