
I started about 30 days ago and so far have lost about 7 lbs. I'm really kind of excited how this is working out. Being able to track what I eat is making realize that some of the things I ate weren't exactly healthy. A love of mine is pumpkin muffins from Panera, which at 580 calories was a wow. So I opt for a reduced fat blueberry muffin from Dunkin Doughnuts, only to find out it's 450. So I started searching the internet and have found so many low cal low fat snacks that I love! My fitness pal is helping me change the way I eat and see food.



  • rachelmof
    rachelmof Posts: 51
    That is awesome! It's amazing what you find about your favorite foods when you do some research, huh?
  • DesertMirage
    DesertMirage Posts: 41 Member
    Yea, people keep telling me not to get carried away with it but I think I enjoy doing the research. I find learning I can substitute yogurt for milk or sour cream when baking is interesting. :) I think people should do more research on their food.
  • rachelmof
    rachelmof Posts: 51
    Totally agree... I read this book called "Eat to Live" (I think? LOL) by Joel Fuhrman and it taught me so much about fruits and vegetables, now I eat way more of them. I think learning about food is really interesting too.