A Must-Read Book

I wanted to let everyone know of a book that i recently bought on the advice of my caregiver, who is into natural and alternative medicine. Its called "Prescription for Nutritional Healing" by. Phyllis A. Balch.
This book is wonderful in helping people use nutrition to heal their bodies of common ailments and diseases, even obesity. As soon as I got this book, I turned it to the overweight section and learned a lot of stuff. Did you know that most overweight/obese people have low melatonin and Vitamin D levels? This can cause them to feel hungry all day, even if they have just ate? The same goes for artifical sweetners, like those found in Crystal Light, MIO, and other diet soft drinks. These sweetners affect your brain and make your brain think that you are hungry, even if you are not. It suggests using Stevia as a sweetner. The book also mentioned that diet pills don't work well to help you lose weight, because they alter your brains hunger signals, but once you stop taking them, your brain isn't altered anymore, and you can feel even more hungry than before you started taking the pills.

It is a wonderful book, and I just had to share it will all of you!