I sometimes do this (and regret it)..... sometimes it's an emotional thing, sometimes it's because it's something so yummy or sometimes it's because my eyes are bigger than my tummy..... slowly I'm getting better and it's less and less frequent but when it DOES happen, what is the best way to deal with it?

For example, what happens to me is: I overeat, I'm very full (and sick) for a while but my stomach remains sore and tender for a long period of time (say 12 hours sometimes) yet my stomach will rumble despite this pain and I will want to eat.

Sometimes I'm able to push through and not eat until the pain is gone, other times I just continue to eat to get rid of the rumbling of my stomach (can take a week to get fully back on track and actually knowing when I'm hungry). Am I making any sense?

I guess I'm just wondering if anyone else goes through the same thing and what's the best way to deal with it? In a way that is not ridiculously unhealthy like purging etc


  • le6676
    le6676 Posts: 30 Member
    Sometimes I want to eat but I think, no i'm not hungry, so then I wait until my tummy starts to rumble and then I think it's an excuse to eat, but no I've learned, and i'm sure you will too, to only eat when you feel hungry that it hurts.

    For example that pain you get in the morning before you've had breakfast.

    I am just like you I see something, and I want to treat myself but after i've eaten it I just feel really mad with myself.

    Don't give up, just drink water or a sugary cup of tea if you want something sweet!
  • livi_cowgirl
    livi_cowgirl Posts: 198 Member
    I still have a tendency to over eat also but it doesn't cause me as much problems as it does you. The only thing I can suggest is after an over eating session, get to the gym. I know your belly will be sore so just do what you can do. At least then the impact of the binge session won't be as high as it could be. x

    P.S. Feel free to add me. x
  • Janet39
    Janet39 Posts: 280 Member
    I have an un writtain rule, that I will only eat one portion of a food in a day.

    This helps to break the binge eatting pattern. I don't know about you, but when I am in that frame of mind, I tend to eat a lot of the same thing, pizza, chocolate, cake. Whatever your poison.

    I find this helps.
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo Posts: 3,634 Member
    It happens to me also especially when I was still starting on my weight loss journey. It really is very hard to control but at the same time, I just think of the unhealthy side if I will eat plenty of this and that. The best thing to avoid overeating is to include fiber rich foods in your diet and eat it especially on mornings. In that way, you will feel full since fiber isnt easily digested and you will avoid overeating.
  • MoonShadow_1au
    MoonShadow_1au Posts: 149 Member
    I have very similar issues (I consider them an issue for me).

    For me it goes like this.
    1) I am up late, get tired and should go to bed but eat to keep awake.
    2) I am up late, get tired and should go to bed and alone, so I eat for comfort
    3) I am up late, get tired and should go to bed but am hungry so I wait for the wife to go to bed then I eat.
    4) when I am on the sauce !! sauce always needs snacks!

    see a pattern :0, really it is all emotional when you really break it down.

    When I can be strong is
    1) when I am well rested (and I this only happens on holidays)
    2) when I am occupied with something I love doing (that keeps my attention). For example, if I am doing real work I enjoy I can miss meals to get something to work. If I am playing on the computer (creating graphics, photo books, shopping, {I do not really play games}) as these keep my attention I forget about food.
    3) when I work out I loos the craving for "wrong" foods (chocolate / chips / lollies) and can crave "good" foods (salad, milk, bread) but the craving for good foods after working out is a lot less than the amount I would eat if I had not worked out.

    I can only remember once when my stomach hurt from eating. There was a lolly drive to raise money for charity (I am now a scrooge and give nothing to those trying to kill me with sugar! ) and three bags of pascals turned up before lunch. I had opened two bags and had eating probably most of one full bag, went to lunch (had crepes and a milkshake if I remember) and managed to eat the rest of all three bags of lollies before I went home. Every lolly in the last bag I had to force down. I hated every one of them.

    The only sure way to not eat like this is to not have access to the food. We no longer buy chocolates, most biscuits, kids snacks (except for a few better ones). The cravings still come, but there is nothing short of going shopping that will allow the cravings to be satisfied. This works for me as for some reason (probably being tired causing poor judgment) I only crave food at night (check out my food diary, Snacks was placed after meals as I snack after dinner (mostly).

    MFP and being able to share like this is probably the greatest help. Hope you can get on top of it. If it is only happening once in a while it sounds like you have.
  • MoonShadow_1au
    MoonShadow_1au Posts: 149 Member
    I still have a tendency to over eat also but it doesn't cause me as much problems as it does you. The only thing I can suggest is after an over eating session, get to the gym. I know your belly will be sore so just do what you can do. At least then the impact of the binge session won't be as high as it could be. x

    P.S. Feel free to add me. x

    Tonight I tried something a little different. While I craved food I forced myself to exercise before eating and I just did not want to after. I cleaned up and had a healthy dinner instead.