At What Mile Do You Bonk?

Hey Everyone! With running there seems to be a period in which I will bonk(want to quit). It varies with each day depending on how I feel, my mental attitude, and things of such but for the most part I have noticed lately that on a nice 11mm run it seems to be around the 6-7 mile marker. Once through this bonk stage I regain strength and the "I'm going to run for forever effect" Having said all that I was curious.....At what mile do you bonk? and how do you make it through this time period? What is your strategy?


  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    Just had to read this post as in the UK 'bonk' has a totally different meaning!!!
  • BobsySpud
    BobsySpud Posts: 29 Member
    LOL - another UK reader here! This post did make me laugh! Definitely no energy for any bonking during my runs ;o)
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    The entire first half! This applies to my bike rides as I'm not yet running. But, seriously. I feel half-dead the entire first half. But the ride home is CAKE.

    I'm sure it's just as psychological as it is physical.
  • RunningAddict
    RunningAddict Posts: 548 Member
    Just had to read this post as in the UK 'bonk' has a totally different meaning!!!

    Oops! I didn't realize. I heard a marathoner refer to this time period as bonking.....Too Funny!
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    its more a running term than a non-uk term. Otherwise known as hitting the wall :)
  • BobsySpud
    BobsySpud Posts: 29 Member
    Just to add - I'm a complete novice at this running thing, and have just completed week four of the C25K program. At the moment, my 'bonking point' is about 3.5 minutes into the run!!! Like I said - complete newbie!!!
  • bella8282
    bella8282 Posts: 188 Member
    LOL @ the term bonk!!
    anyhow.... when i cycle i want to "bonk" at around 20 - 25 minutes but once i get past this point i can literaly just keep cycling for hours! :)
  • MsEmmy
    MsEmmy Posts: 254 Member
    Haha, another English person here wondering what else bonk could possibly mean?!!

    To clarify, 'bonk' in the UK is a fairly polite slang word for having sex....
  • RunningAddict
    RunningAddict Posts: 548 Member
    its more a running term than a non-uk term. Otherwise known as hitting the wall :)

    Yayyy! Thank Goodness someone else recognizes this term lol. :happy:
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    its varied for me, depending usually on how well ive eaten recently. Ive bonked after as little as 4km before and been sick and had to run home, but generally if i look after myself it doesnt happen at all even for much longer distances because ive been increasing distances gradually. I imagine itll probably happen at some point in my marathon training though
  • Janet39
    Janet39 Posts: 280 Member
    I got the wrong idea too ! And for 11 miles :laugh:

    This has made my morning, lol.
  • frando
    frando Posts: 583 Member
    i find, when i bike, that if i have very high bmp music on whilst i go it helps. i used to time so that Snoop Dogg's 'Sweat' came on just as I hit 3/4 of hte way through my biking to make me smile and push taht bit harder
  • Majbdrake
    Majbdrake Posts: 69
    I'm not a marathoner but I run 5-6 miles a day. Usually I get a hitch in my step around the 3 mile marker but it goes away after a while and I can go for a ways afterwards. I've got a couple of half-marathons under my belt and each time I was still going strong by the finish line after clearing that first hurdle.

  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    Haha, another English person here wondering what else bonk could possibly mean?!!

    To clarify, 'bonk' in the UK is a fairly polite slang word for having sex....

    lol, although noone actually uses it except probably children delighting in saying a naughty word or the occasional artical in the sun
  • RunningAddict
    RunningAddict Posts: 548 Member
    i find, when i bike, that if i have very high bmp music on whilst i go it helps. i used to time so that Snoop Dogg's 'Sweat' came on just as I hit 3/4 of hte way through my biking to make me smile and push taht bit harder

    I also recently added this song to my mp3 and it does the same for me. I get very much into my music while running and it majorly helps.
  • sexforjaffacakes
    sexforjaffacakes Posts: 1,001 Member
    I dunno, I think if you're from the UK and you're not an olympic athlete the first thing that comes into your head when you hear bonking is, well bonking! I thought I was gonna be reading some sort of article about how many cals you burn off during sex or something :L
  • goron59
    goron59 Posts: 890 Member
    Also being from the UK, I find the idea of bonking whilst running intriguing :-)

    But as noted, it's a somewhat old and quaint saying, but I'm now going to use it all day :)

    On topic : I normally hit a wall around 4km (out of 5 or 6) but I normally run through it by being distracted, by a great tune or something.

    Now I will think about this post, be amused, and that should distract me enough to get me through it!
  • purplepollypops
    purplepollypops Posts: 323 Member
    pmsl, I'm English so reading this has totally made me chuckle! :laugh:
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    you dont need to be an olympic athlete lol, its a fairly common running term,7120,s6-242-301--6263-1-2X3X5X7X8X10-6,00.html
  • Arkay
    Arkay Posts: 10
    Sorry Suzy - another UK person here. It is not just used by children, it is quite a common term of reference for 'having sex' and certainly every UK person knows what 'bonking' means. We do love the way the colonials use our language - but let's also remember you whopped our behind in the 1770s. I wonder how many calories are used up fighting? More than bonking?

    Puts a whole new meaning on "Make love, not war".:laugh: