Belly Fat

Addy0315 Posts: 48
edited September 29 in Health and Weight Loss
Is there a secret to that or will it just go away over time while losing weight? I always feel like I am losing weight and the scale shows it but my stomach never looks any different to me. It is a combination of having children and I think genetics.... Thats where my mom and grandma gain weight. (UGH!!) Anyways are there any exercises I should be doing just for that? I try to do almost an hour of cardio a day and I do weight and crunches... Although I could do more crunches.


  • bump
  • abbie017
    abbie017 Posts: 410
    I'm in the same situation as you. I've read (over and over) on here that you can't target weight loss, and the first place you gain is usually the last place you lose. You've probably lost some of it and just not noticed (I did, and my boyfriend/friends/coworkers all were commenting, but I couldn't tell!) Keep up with crunches and other stomach/core workouts and it'll melt off soon!
  • pammyedmunds
    pammyedmunds Posts: 608 Member
    it takes time for the belly fat to shrink. Weight training and then cardio will help burn the fat deposits faster. Also doing lots of sit ups will help. Pick Up Jillian Michaels 6 pack abs. Its a great work out!
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    Unfortunately, you can't chose where the fat will leave and where it will stay. Eventually, if your body fat drops low enough, you'll lose the belly fat as well.

    Alcohol and a diet overloaded with simple carbs will promote belly fat, so perhaps look at your diet to see if you can clean those out.

    Ab exercises can tighten and tone the muscles underneath the fat, but won't get rid of the fat over or under those muscles.
  • Did you try Zumba Abs? are 15 minutes that you can do everyday and it really works. It's an excelente excercise!!!!....
  • Addy0315
    Addy0315 Posts: 48
    Thanks everyone!! I almost never drink....still nursing my little one and he is always with me so I can't. i will keep up with the crunches and cardio oh and praying!! =)
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    Just keep at your diet and exercise, weight loss will bring your belly down. Toning the area will give better definition once you lose most of the fat off of that area.
  • TanajaP
    TanajaP Posts: 57 Member
    my husband and the trainers at the gym always say "abs start in the kitchen" you can work all day on trying to rid yourself of the belly fat, but if your diet isn't good, it's almost wasting your time. i'd start doing more core exercises other than just sit ups since they only work one of the belly muscles. i think a lot of people focus so much on loosing weight they don't think to tone along the way. have you been measuring your belly? that's my problem area too after having 2 kids. it never looks any different to me but my husband says you can tell a difference. when i started mfp at the beginning of the month my waist was 38 inches at my belly button, when i measured this morning it was 35 1/4 inches! so even though it's hard to tell for me i'm definately loosing.
  • shellshell43
    shellshell43 Posts: 116
    I have been doing cardio HIIT and strength training alternating days for a total of 6 days- I do ab workouts the nights I do strength. I had ten pounds to lose and after 7 weeks have lost 3 -3 and 3......3 pounds , 3 inches off of my waist, and 3 inches off of my love handle area...I noticed the changes started to come after I cut out most processed sugars and simple carbs..I think that made a BIG difference for me because I store most my extra weight in the middle- from lower stomach to arm pits (both front and back).....I had to give my body less instant fuel (sugars and simple carbs) so that my system would begin to dig into the fat storage areas in my body to fuel the workouts..
    I noticed my upper rib area and upper back got thinner first and then waist and love handles next . I am still working to lose 1 more inch in waist and love handles as well as some more in lower stomach...

    (I should also mention that I do eat healthy, lots of vegetables and from scratch cooking- little fat, never fried, but I do give myself the occasional snack)
  • adagolden
    adagolden Posts: 146 Member
    I am also finding that many parts are shrinking, but the belly is where I have the most fat and that always takes longer. But if you stick with it, it will happen. That is what I keep telling myself. And I also do lots of core with Insanity and the cardio abs is awesome. Good luck.
  • jennmoore3
    jennmoore3 Posts: 1,013 Member
    Thanks everyone!! I almost never drink....still nursing my little one and he is always with me so I can't. i will keep up with the crunches and cardio oh and praying!! =)

    Got am idea for you... We did this with the twins and they loved it. I hope I can explain it well.

    Lay on your back on the floor. Bend knees so they are... at a 90 degree to the floor, and lay the baby on your legs, like head over your knees and his/her feet are by your feet. hold onto his/her hands and then slowly lower your feet to the floor and back up again. Does that make sense? and if he/she is a bit older we put the kids on our feet in the same position, held on to their hands and bent our knees to lower to the floor. but we held out legs way up so the kids looked like they were flying in the air. so their body was parallel to the floor then lowered them to the floor. We called it the airplane.
  • Addy0315
    Addy0315 Posts: 48
    Good idea with the airplane thing for the kids! I might be doing it all night though because my kids never want to stop!! These were all helpful tips!! Thanks everyone!!!
  • RosannaElizabethL
    RosannaElizabethL Posts: 25 Member
    Belly fat has links to cortisol - a hormone related to stress. My advice is to laugh more and to always remember that worrying kills happiness. Try meditation a few times a week to reduce stress and gain clarity.
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