What to eat??

Ok, so I just started to workout(walk/run), and I like to do it early in the morning...my question is do I eat before or wait? And what should i be eating before or after?


  • bbbbb33333
    bbbbb33333 Posts: 1,107 Member
    I don't eat too much. If I get really full I might get a side stitch. A couple bites of a protien/carb bar... like cliff bar or a couple bites of a banana. You don't have to eat first. I have seen that you might burn more fat if you don't, but if you workout hard, a little something is needed (my opinion).

    Also, if you drink gatorade or other sports drink during exercise, eating before is less needed.
  • k8edge
    k8edge Posts: 380
    Don't eat too much... Otherwise you will feel it coming up as you run.

    I usually reach for a banana in the a.m. if I am planning a run first thing.
  • sharonuk10
    sharonuk10 Posts: 277
    I do a walk/jog 4-5 mornings a week. I always eat breakfast first or I would never complete my routine.
  • mystiedragonfly
    mystiedragonfly Posts: 189 Member
    If you can, work out/run before eating anything in the morning. It's kind of a kick start to your body and will help lose and tone faster. I have tried it and discovered my blood sugar is way too low in the morning to not eat before working out. So be aware of your body in that area.

    As to what to eat, try to make it something that will replenish the muscles and fill you up. This is breakfast after all. Protein shake with a banana/fruit and yogurt put into it is great. A scrambled egg with veggies in it is another option.