How do I help my boyfriend ween off the sugar? And other fat



  • Dawntodusk
    Dawntodusk Posts: 262 Member
    I think the confusion stems from your wording: " me wean him off sugar". Wean is used by mothers to get their kids to stop using bottles/breast. If you use it in the context of your bf, it sounds like you are trying to control what he eats.

    I think if you just started off by saying, "I cook for my boyfriend, and am looking for healthier ways to prepare foods without cheese and sugar, but that are still delicious" you would have gotten the answers you are looking for.

    All the best.
  • BJPCraig
    BJPCraig Posts: 417 Member
    First of all, Kelsie, good for you wanting to help him. Here are some ideas.

    1) Check out She has a show on Veria and does sugar free cooking. She also talks about alternative sweeteners that are healthier than sugar (especially Stevia).
    2) He should start small. Like, if he puts 10 sugars in his morning coffee, cut back to 9 for a week or two. After his tastebuds have adjusted, drop to 8 for a few weeks, etc.
    3) What does he drink? I'm betting it's also full of sugar; he should "cut" it with something else. If he drinks soda, start mixing 3/4 soda and 1/4 seltzer. If it's juice or Snapple, do a 3/4 beverage 1/4 water mix. You'll be surprised how quickly he'll find that the original becomes too sweet to enjoy. Then you cut again to 1/2 & /12.
    4) Have him do the same with his snacks: You can have some M&Ms, but only if you have some raisins with it...
  • kelsiehoagland
    kelsiehoagland Posts: 107 Member
    I think the confusion stems from your wording: " me wean him off sugar". Wean is used by mothers to get their kids to stop using bottles/breast. If you use it in the context of your bf, it sounds like you are trying to control what he eats.

    I think if you just started off by saying, "I cook for my boyfriend, and am looking for healthier ways to prepare foods without cheese and sugar, but that are still delicious" you would have gotten the answers you are looking for.

    All the best.

    I used wean because I don't want to cut him off 100% and have him hate life. That's not what he wants. He wants me to help him gradually lessen/stop the amount of less healthy food he consumes. Thank you, that's really helpful. I guess I didn't realize that my post would be confusing/make me seem naggy. BUT I did change it. It's morning, I'm not all there quite yet =P
  • kelsiehoagland
    kelsiehoagland Posts: 107 Member
    First of all, Kelsie, good for you wanting to help him. Here are some ideas.

    1) Check out She has a show on Veria and does sugar free cooking. She also talks about alternative sweeteners that are healthier than sugar (especially Stevia).
    2) He should start small. Like, if he puts 10 sugars in his morning coffee, cut back to 9 for a week or two. After his tastebuds have adjusted, drop to 8 for a few weeks, etc.
    3) What does he drink? I'm betting it's also full of sugar; he should "cut" it with something else. If he drinks soda, start mixing 3/4 soda and 1/4 seltzer. If it's juice or Snapple, do a 3/4 beverage 1/4 water mix. You'll be surprised how quickly he'll find that the original becomes too sweet to enjoy. Then you cut again to 1/2 & /12.
    4) Have him do the same with his snacks: You can have some M&Ms, but only if you have some raisins with it...

    Great tips, thank you.
  • es0torok
    es0torok Posts: 66 Member

    3) What does he drink? I'm betting it's also full of sugar; he should "cut" it with something else. If he drinks soda, start mixing 3/4 soda and 1/4 seltzer. If it's juice or Snapple, do a 3/4 beverage 1/4 water mix. You'll be surprised how quickly he'll find that the original becomes too sweet to enjoy. Then you cut again to 1/2 & /12.

    Also, keep a gallon of Crystal Light lemonade or sugar free cool aid in the fridge.
  • penny5
    penny5 Posts: 148 Member
    Hi. I think that a suggestion that hasn't been made already would be to use spices when cooking. I like garlic a lot so I add Tastefully Simple Garlic, Garlic to my cooking. I like to sautee mushrooms to add to egg whites in the morning and you can add some low fat cheese on top of it. Garlic salt isn't as healthy (the salt part of it) so I would suggest trying different spices . Also, use virgen olive oil instead of butter when cooking. Another change that I have made is steaming vegetables instead of putting butter in the pan. You can also try ground turkey meat instead of hamburger and they even sell ground chicken meat. If he is a bacon eater, turkey bacon is a healthier option. As far as the sweets, maybe some low fat pudding or yogurt with strawberries, raspberries, etc. Dried fruit might also crave his sweet tooth. They also sell sugar free candy (good for diabetics) in small bags, they are a little more expensive but not bad :smile: I hope some of this is helpful and I totally got what you meant about HIM wanting to get healthy!!!! Good luck to you guys and small changes is where it all starts!!!
  • bossymom
    bossymom Posts: 41 Member
    Lol. I got your point from the beginning that he wants it for himself, and that you just want tips to make it easier to reach his goals. Apparently, some of the others are having a hard time getting that msg.! ;) Everybody likes to preach! haha. Hang in there.

    Anyway, I wouldn't try to throw out all the foods he loves at once. One thing that helped me was keeping MOST of the foods I truly love (and think I can't live without), and just using portion control. For instance, I use to eat a huge bowl of ice cream (probably about 1.5-2 cups!), but now I get a measuring cup and measure out EXACTLY 1/2 cup (low-fat). That can mean the difference in 100 cals. or 300 cals.! Yes, it still has sugar, but not nearly as much. I measure/weigh almost EVERYTHING I eat now.

    When you bake, you don't have to use as much sugar as the recipe calls for most of the time.

    If he likes fruit, try to keep plenty of that around the house,too.

    But the number one biggest tip I have for you is to keep him filled up with high quality PROTEIN, I've found that if I have plenty of protein, I don't CRAVE sugar nearly as much. :) HTH.

    Good luck!
  • es0torok
    es0torok Posts: 66 Member
    OH! One my thing that trumps and kills my sweet craving... The smell of cooking onion. Omgosh.. That is the best way to redirect a craving.

    As for the rich sauces, butter and cheese topping... A tablespoon of sour cream into the food while it is cooking can create a rich illusion without tons of calories.