Unwitting Self Sabotage

I've been making a concentrated effort lately to up the amount of water I drink and reduce the amount of diet soda I drink. During the day I've been drinking 9-12 cups of water but at night I want something with a little flavor. I know tea is good for me and I really like plain, black, iced tea but I thought I should try green tea as it seems to have additional health benefits. I found the gallon jugs of Diet Arizona Green Tea and found I actually liked it. I know the first gallon I bought was Diet... but I just checked the back of the latest empty jug as I was recycling it and realized it wasn't the Diet type... it was the regular kind. This stuff is 70 calories per 8 ounces... I've been drinking anywhere from 2-4 glasses a night (24-48 ounces!) thinking it was calorie free. I don't log 0 calorie drinks in my diary so I don't know how much I've been drinking. The full bottle in my pantry is also not the Diet type. I've been drinking this stuff for almost a month and a half and wonder how many containers were the non-diet kind. Maybe this is why my weight loss has been SO slow- only 7 lbs in 2 months. I thought I was doing things right! Headed to the store later for some DIET kind with 0 calories.

Anyone else completely unwittingly sabotage yourself?


  • realme56
    realme56 Posts: 1,093 Member
    People really need to read the label! I looked at the Smart Water label and was like THIS IS NOT WATER!! A friend was drinking it all the time and wondering why she keeps gaining...no surprise there. And don't forget that manufacturers will actually be deceitful in their labeling on purpose.
  • JFamilo
    JFamilo Posts: 22 Member
    I'm still kicking myself because I'm normally very careful with labels and the kitchen scale/measuring cups are constantly used in my kitchen. I did check the label of the first jug... 0 calories. I guess I just missed the missing "Diet" on subsequent bottles... other than that the bottles look very similar.
  • Benji49
    Benji49 Posts: 419 Member
    Yep, Pizza 73! I didn't realize the calorie difference from USA and Canada. Almost double in Canada!

    Have you tried blueberry tea? Make sure you steep it 3+ mins so the flavour comes through. I would imagine you can serve it iced as well but I haven't tried that yet. Summer heat hasn't arrived here yet.
  • sanitychallenged
    sanitychallenged Posts: 3 Member
    Try Mio! It's 0 calories and tastes great. Just add a little to your water, first day I had it I went through 8 glasses no problem while at work alone.
  • JFamilo
    JFamilo Posts: 22 Member
    Try Mio! It's 0 calories and tastes great. Just add a little to your water, first day I had it I went through 8 glasses no problem while at work alone.

    I've tried Mio and didn't really like it... no matter how much I add it always seems to be "syrupy". But I do love "True Lemon". I've only been able to find it at WalMart but its great. Tastes like I added lemon to my water. I know actual lemon is much better but these are great for on the go or to take to work.
  • k8edge
    k8edge Posts: 380
    If you like plain tea... Then make it yourself! That way you can control what you put into it.

    Anyting packaged will have calories. And if its diet then it has a bunch of crap in it... Just like diet pop (you say soda)! :)