Pain from top of my bum down to my leg



  • melzteach
    melzteach Posts: 550 Member
    Sounds like it could be sciatica (trapped sciatic nerve) what sort of pain is it (sharp dull aching etc)?

    I've had trouble with my sciatica several times. I've found that, for me, it gives me trouble when I don't exercise properly and engage my core correctly. The pain has ranged from dull to sharp & from just my lower back-to-the top of my shoulder blade-to-the bottom of my heel-and-straight across my lower back. The shourest amout of time it lasted was a day and the longest was 2 days.
    My brother-in-law and sister-in-law are bot occupational therapists and said I should do some very light stretching; something like the yoga, snake position or ca and it helped. However, if it keeps happening or gets worse for an extended amount of time I'll go to the doctor. It doesn't seem lik much could be done now so I'm, not worrying about it too much.
  • Aurelina
    Aurelina Posts: 197 Member
    Ok, that sucks. Been there. To hell and back. Barely able to walk in the morning to go after my wee baby.

    Many have done well to optimize B12 levels. Here's a start

    And if B12 helps, then what's going on that you aren't getting it normally?
    What is causing inflammation in your body? I suggest looking into the causes of leaky gut and inflammation.

    Inflammation can be healed through diet.
    Oh yah?

    Raising my hand.
    Then dancing.
    Oh yah!
    Dance Dance.