
Do you add your cleaning to your exercise? Why or why not?


  • Ellastrong
    Ellastrong Posts: 64 Member
    Yes, I do! I turn the music up, dance around and build up a sweat! And pushing that vaccum up and down the stairs is definately a workout!
  • Ambeltz2016
    Ambeltz2016 Posts: 36 Member
    I do I figure that anything that has me up and moving is exercise. Especially when I mops floors or when I take my laundry over to the wash room.
  • kngarber
    kngarber Posts: 227
    The only time I add mine is when I do deep cleaning, because that is something out of the ordinary for me. Meaning it's not something I do every day or once a week. My daily because I almost feel like it is cheating and not really accurate because it is something my body is used to. Same reason why I don't count my 60 minute walk through the grocery store...KWIM?
  • Heraci
    Heraci Posts: 23
    I think it depends on what level you put your activity level at in the first place. If you have a high activity level and allot yourself more calories because of it, I wouldn't consider cleaning part of your exercise routine, but if you have a low activity level and are given few calories to work with, I think it would warrant being considered a workout.
  • litljoy2001
    I do if I know Its a big cleaning day that will take a couple hours like when I do the whole house in one day..if Im just cleaning the bathrooms or just one room that day then I dont think that is worth counting
  • WonderNoodle
    WonderNoodle Posts: 549
    when i was early in my efforts, i did because cleaning "with heavy effort" can work up a sweat and that was the ONLY time i actually was moving. :ohwell:

    now that i exercise regularly (beach body dvds, zumba class, yoga, running)....i do not. :drinker:
  • getitoffhord
    It depends on the type of cleaning Im doing. I like to play music and dance and do exercises in between my cleaning. I am going to wear my heart monitor next time so I can find out what I am actually burning.
  • WifeMomDVM
    WifeMomDVM Posts: 1,025 Member
    I never count it... I don't exactly get all breathless and sweaty and sore from cleaning my house... but maybe I don't work hard enough? :laugh:
  • heidikins7
    heidikins7 Posts: 22
    Yes, I count it. And I used this website to help track other exercises, too. Every little bit counts!
  • citylights117
    I only add if it is for an extended amount of time, an hour or more. Unless I truly sweat, I usually cut the time in half.
  • bluemist248
    bluemist248 Posts: 207 Member
    I count it, my activity level is sedentary and my HRM shows a burn of around 200 cals when I do a big clean so it makes a big difference to my net cals. Plus as a lazy student it's nice to document each time I get off my backside and clean up :laugh:
  • juliapurpletoes
    juliapurpletoes Posts: 951 Member
    That would be a big fat NO! :grumble: Not for me......I've done every kind of housecleaning that my home needs anyway (LOL) and worn my HRM (polar ft4) and never get my heart rate up high enough to justify it. I have a super low resting heart rate (42) and for me to build up steam takes way more than vacumning and scrubbing.....

    lazy housekeeper, maybe.......super efficient heart rate definitely!

    I'd really caution those who do to really take some heart rates and see what they are. :smokin:
  • MzMiller1215
    MzMiller1215 Posts: 633 Member
    I always add cleaning to my exercise if I do anything more than 30 minutes because it means that I am going up and down 15 steps each time when doing laundry, vacuuming and dusting. Having over 2,600 sq ft of house, I definitely break a sweat cleaning. I have even incorporated doing squats when I'm putting my toddler's toys away, cleaning the baseboards and toilets. Almost any activity we do on a given day will burn calories.
  • jrhstarlight
    jrhstarlight Posts: 867 Member
    NO, like others said I believe your only cheating yourself. I did put it before when I was moving because I was literally cleaning for 4+ hours and packing and moving furniture.......But I clean daily so my house is always clean even when I clean it. So like others pointed out my heart rate doesnt go up but so much and it something I am use to doing. To me its like walking to the mail box sure I got up and did something but really thats not exercise. I generally try for a workout 5 days a week and I know Im getting benefits then and to me thats what counts. If your completely sedentary all day every day then it may be helpful to mark cleaning.
  • Sarah_uk
    Sarah_uk Posts: 209
    I only add cleaning if it's something I don't do often like clearing out cupboards/toys.
  • camy_chick
    camy_chick Posts: 277 Member
    i ALWAYS add my cleaning(which i should be doing now!). and i do it because i'm a stay at home mom that has been stuck inside for like 2 weeks(THANKS STINKIN RAIN!) and that gets to be my exercise cause i can't go out and play at the park with my kids. and you do burn calories, so why not track it?