McDonald's Breakfast

Just joined, so bear with me if this has already been discussed.

This is my biggest weakness. Sometimes I will get three breakfast sandwiches. This morning I just got one, and I got it without sausage, which I normally add to it. I feel like this is progress, but am I just fooling myself? Is it just justification because I still fed my craving? It took alot of control to get only that one sandwich.

Anyway, im jus trying to meet some other people struggling with the same stuff as me. I have to make this work this marriage depends on it.




  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    That is a step in the right direction!!
  • 73vanessa
    73vanessa Posts: 50 Member
    Just joined, so bear with me if this has already been discussed.

    This is my biggest weakness. Sometimes I will get three breakfast sandwiches. This morning I just got one, and I got it without sausage, which I normally add to it. I feel like this is progress, but am I just fooling myself? Is it just justification because I still fed my craving? It took alot of control to get only that one sandwich.

    Anyway, im jus trying to meet some other people struggling with the same stuff as me. I have to make this work this marriage depends on it.


    Dave, its called baby steps. Steps in the right direction. The little improvements that we choose to make will show results in the long run. Keep strong and stay wise.
  • GTI_Girl
    GTI_Girl Posts: 207
    you are making conscious decisions about what you are eating, so thats a start!
  • nomorefatbitch
    One step at a time. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the breakfast burritos. I used to grab at least one every time I went to the McD's in my Walmart. A lot of times I would make special trips to McD's - and if I did that, then I would get at least two or three. After all, I had to make it worth the trip.

    It won't be an easy journey, so take the steps YOU need to take.

    Good luck on your journey

  • rmsrws
    rmsrws Posts: 639 Member
    Baby Steps........That was definetely a step in the right direction!! Great job!!!
  • eillamarie
    eillamarie Posts: 862 Member
    One step @ a time!! You've already made huge progress! Keep this up until you're OK with only having this once a week or so :)
  • ambie35
    ambie35 Posts: 853 Member
    try making your own breakfast sandwhiches at home. Use bagel thins,turkey bacon and pouched egg whites. You could probably still get away with having two and they would fill you up more too.
  • tracivee
    tracivee Posts: 56 Member
    It's perfectly fine. I told myself this time I lose weight, I am not depriving myself. The key is to make better choices overall, which you did. Good for you! Going to McDonald's and having a sandwhich is not going to make or keep you's when you go there every single day and eat 2 or 3 that makes you fat. Moderation is key.
  • sculptandtone
    sculptandtone Posts: 300 Member
    hey Dave, get the egg mcmuffin (the original) and ask them to use no margarine. it's actually not too bad.
  • Angela4Health
    Angela4Health Posts: 1,319 Member
    try making your own breakfast sandwhiches at home. Use bagel thins,turkey bacon and pouched egg whites. You could probably still get away with having two and they would fill you up more too.

    This is a great idea.. and to original poster, you are making baby steps. Of course you want to eventually replace McDonalds Breakfast with something healthier but you have made some great strides in the right direction so you should be proud of yourself.
  • garysgirl719
    garysgirl719 Posts: 235 Member
    I think you made a great choice. I believe that if you force yourself to give up everything you like, it won't stick. You will feel miserable and deprieved. Instead, finding ways to modify and make them fit into the new way of thinking is the way to go.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Making the very same thing you find at McDonald's is far tastier, simple to do and much healthier since you're in control of what's going in it.

    Fry up an egg (spray the pan with Canola oil, EVOO, or something along the healthy line), an English muffin toasted, a piece of Canadian bacon and some low fat cheese! Simple and WAY less sodium than you'll find them using and of course much less fat in your homemade one. They only take minutes to make before heading out!

    Fast food stops are an addiction to many, it's breaking the habit that will get you where you want to be in regards to a healthier body and weightloss.

    I agree with skwilson1990 - going from 3 to 1 is an excellent start!! Check the nutrition on Fast Foods online or use the MFP food database and you might see a shocker on the fats and sodium a pre-made one will show!

    Good luck to you!

    One last thought, please be sure you're doing this for YOU first, not your wife or anyone else, or it simply won't be a success. Once we put ourselves first in our life things fall into place in a very positive way!! Doing this for ANYONE else, no matter what the circumstances likely won't lead to success long term.:wink::flowerforyou:
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    I think that every little bit helps. Eventually, you'll be off them, but you're doing 66% better! (1 instead of 3 LOL)
  • WonderNoodle
    WonderNoodle Posts: 549
    That is a great step. (Note the theme here in everyone's replies? STEPS)

    Every small change you make will lead you to success. You will find that you can ditch fast-food for the most part someday, but until then, getting portions under control is AWESOMENESS! :drinker:
  • solrak1969
    solrak1969 Posts: 92 Member
    The fact that you made a change from your normal is a win. As time goes on you will improve in all of you food choices. You will learn something new everyday.
  • DorothyNorrington
    DorothyNorrington Posts: 123 Member
    You will get varying responses to your question, but here's mine. I feel that any step in the right direction is a positive move that will lead to change. You say you are going from eating three sandwiches to eating one. I looked online, and a sausage mcmuffin with egg is 450 calories. That means that you are lowering you calorie intake just for breakfast by 900 calories or more!

    I have been told that it requires a deficit of 3500 calories to lose a pound. The deficit can be obtained through exercise or through adjusting calorie intake. At this rate, just from adjusting your breakfast alone, you could potentially lose about a pound every four days!

    The best part in my opinion, is that success builds success. Once you are comfortable with that change, you will start to make others. Maybe making a healthier version of your breakfast sandwich at home, using whole grains, egg beaters, ect.

    Good luck to you!
  • NBabi91
    NBabi91 Posts: 270 Member
    I find that being healthy is finding healthy alternatives to what you love. If you love those breakfast sandwiches than you should be proud that you find a healthier way to have them. I love mac and cheese, so I now eat an organic mac and cheese that is a lotttt healthier.

    Making healthy eating a lifestyle is what is important. Diets do not work but making healthy adjustments and creating an actual way you can live is what is important.
  • TexasNurseMom78
    TexasNurseMom78 Posts: 897 Member
    Small changes are key in the begining. If you totally deprive yourself, it is like any other addiction you can quit cold turkey. Food is an addiction too. And you are setting yourself up to fail if you try to change everything at once. IT sounds like you are making steps in the right direction. add in some exercise daily and you will be amamzed how great you feel!
  • thatsexychick01
    Hi iam a new memeber on here try getting a small or medium smoothy from mcdonalds instead wildberry or strawberry bannana and walk out right after you get it. Dont give your self time to think to add more.
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    Just joined, so bear with me if this has already been discussed.

    This is my biggest weakness. Sometimes I will get three breakfast sandwiches. This morning I just got one, and I got it without sausage, which I normally add to it. I feel like this is progress, but am I just fooling myself? Is it just justification because I still fed my craving? It took alot of control to get only that one sandwich.

    Anyway, im jus trying to meet some other people struggling with the same stuff as me. I have to make this work this marriage depends on it.



    This IS a positive step. Calorie restriction and wt loss is all about "cutting back." As you lose weight you will determine for yourself what Other Restrictions you want and lifestyle lower carbs, or lower sodium level or lower sugar levels, or increased protein... You must look at this as a Lifestyle change and not a diet that lasts until you reach a number on the scale.

    Personally, I have Wellness/Health Goals, of which weight loss is only one. Other goals I have are: Increased mobility/reduced joint pain; Reduced BP and blood sugar levels; Cycle 3 Times a Week-30 minutes each time; Full Stretch 4 Times per week; Sodium level: 2000; Low Glycemic Carbs; Caloric Intake: 1000-1200 until weight goal. So everything I eat (as well as Supplements) and DO centers around how I can achieve My Physical Wellness Goals; so when I reach My weight goal, I'll keep Doing and eating like I have learned to, the only thing I will do is increase My caloric intake slowly...which means that I am teaching Myself a new Lifestyle for Life and Quality of Life; NOT a Diet that goes away when you hit a number on a scale.

    Be Well