Army Wife-I want to blame my husband



  • bjohs
    bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member
    I want to blame my husband for me not eating right, but it's not his fault but mine all by myself. Because he chooses to load up on soda's and fast food that's him. I tell him the stuff is not good for him, but that's as far as it goes in one ear and out the other. I decided to think about myself, I decided to think about my health and make a choice to live my life the right way. I get up and go exercise 4 days out of the week, he chooses to stay in bed. 1 day he chooses to exercise and over do it. I don't say anything I keep going!

    Read my latest blog to your husband, he might change his mind about diet & exercise!!! LOL!
  • Countrymade
    Countrymade Posts: 183 Member
    We are responsible for what goes into our mouths but I think your husband is being incenitive to criticize your weight gain and lack of exercise. Especially when you are cooking meals to please him. You can still cook healthy meals. Make sure they have lots of protein and fiber so they will be more filling for both of you. Also add lots of veggies. If he gets hungry later. That is his problem.
    Good luck. I think unless your husband starts to be a little more sensitive to your weight loss goals you will need it.
    I hope I didn't sound harsh. I don't mean to. I wish you the best with getting rid of those 30 lbs.
  • Papillon22
    Papillon22 Posts: 1,160 Member
    I think the answer is in portion control, as somebody else said.

    I live with my italian boyfriend, who wants to eat pasta all the time. Slowly, I've gotten him to accept whole wheat pasta, but that's it. I just have to measure my serving, and make sure it doesn;t go over my calorie limit; eat a huge salad beforehand and plenty of veggies with it.

    You can also try eating on a desert plat, which will give you the impression of eating more.

    Good luck!
  • Amybcb
    Amybcb Posts: 292 Member
    It is frustraing when your hubby can eat whatever, whenever and not gain a pound. My hubby is the same way (military too). Drives me nuts. We had a great conversation today, very inspirational for me, about my weight loss. And I did ask him to be supportive by not wanting to go out to eat or get take out so much. I admit, it is hard for me to sit with my family eating something fattening and yummy and for me to say "no thanks, I'll have a chicken breast". hahaha. But I'm trying. So there is compromise. All relationships must have that. And if he wants you to lose the 30lbs, he'll be supportive and eat what you make. Of course, I agree with tohers on here who say you can eat what you make him too, just not as much. It's all about portion control. Good luck!