Hi I'm Jen and I'm trying to lose weight

My name is Jen. I've struggled with my weight my entire life. I've tried everything to lose weight. I managed to lose weight through a migraine medication my junior year in high school. After some serious side effects were found, I went off the medication and learned to manage the migraines through relaxation. The 30+ lbs I lost, came back and then some. In the last year I've gained 15 lbs. I have noticed I've started to hide behind the camera instead of sitting in front of it. I don't like how I look in pictures and I'm incredibly hard on myself about my weight. I am at the heaviest I've ever been, and that needs to change. I know it's a lifestyle change and I'm just looking for a little support to make the change a little easier. I'm looking for some supportive friends.


  • MizzCNyle
    MizzCNyle Posts: 40
  • Enp1
    Enp1 Posts: 10 Member
    Im in the same boat i have always been heavy and it has made me very self concious of myself and makes me take it harsher when someone says anything about how i look. I have had 2 kids in the last 4years. After the first one i kept my baby weight and it took me 2 1/2 years to even start to work it off and i did it in a very unhealthy way i stopped eating i would eat one meal a day and drink soda all of the time. then i got pregnant with my daughter while pregnant with her i ended up weighing more than i ever had in my life so she is now 6months old and i have been using this website for almost 2months not quite and i have lost 26 pounds. I watch everything i eat and sometimes it feels so hard but i keep going because i dont want to feel like im ugly and huge anymore
  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    Welcome Jen!!
  • 1smemae94
    1smemae94 Posts: 365 Member
    Hey, nice to meet you. Friend me :D