How do i add p90x as a workout

Hi guys,

im trying to log my hours for p90x but the database doesnt recognize do i add it, so that it comes off my calorie total and stays in my exercises


  • Phanessa917
    Phanessa917 Posts: 100 Member
    ever since I started using my heart rate monitor, i add my own exercise with the calories burned.
    Under "Exercise" you go to "my exercise" too add your own
  • bjohs
    bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member
    The best way is to get an HRM. Everyone burns calories differently. Take the amount of calories you burned according to your HRM per P90X DVD and add them to your cardio database.
  • Sarcastic1
    Sarcastic1 Posts: 14 Member
    I have also had this same question for a while. What I did was use aerobics, high impact for things like Plyometrics and Cardio, and I used karate/judo/kickboxing for Kenpo. I also did a google search beforehand to get a good idea of how many cals burned during Kenpo and the karate/.../... was very close to that. With plyo its hard because I don't think even the high impact aerobics is sufficient for how many calories you actually burn. I plan to get a HRM with a cal tracker and add it that way soon. Hope this helps. :)