

  • SuzMac1981
    SuzMac1981 Posts: 708 Member
    I wanted to share a little progress with you!

    Here I am after losing 11 pounds the first week on MFP, weighing 425, wearing a size 30/32:


    And this is me today, weighing 372, wearing a size 22 top:


    WELL I was stupidly checking the old thread and it suddenly dawned on me that no one was posting because we're IN A NEW WEEK!!!! HAHAHAHAHA

    Oh, goodness... so here is my post that I posted on Sunday ^^

    Looks like everyone is hitting goals and targets and those that are having a rough week, YOU CAN DO THIS!!!! I know you can!

    My goals this week:
    - stay under calories
    - stay under 2000mg sodium
    - LOG EVERYTHING. (this is hard... lately I haven't been eating the little morsels that I snatch here and there. I am sure it all adds up so this will be my big goal this week.

    I'm back to work this week and exhausted (and battling a headache for 3 days) so I can't commit to exercise this week.
  • sl1mmy
    sl1mmy Posts: 185
    reporting day 2

    1. Drink 4 glasses of water a day. : + done and will have got more tonight
    2. Stay under limit of my food everyday : +
    3. finish organising dining room : have worked on it
    4. resume workout or see a cardiologist : did some today, no problems
    5. eat at least 1 vegetable twice a day : a full vege day today again

    sounds good for me now
    This post really help my motivation. Thanks Miss Dee !
  • FabOma08
    FabOma08 Posts: 500
    Report Day 2
    Goal 1: remember to take my vitamins daily(sounds easy but not remembering to take my pills is how I ended up with 3 kids!)
    I did it!

    Goal 2: clean out/organize 1 area every day(thanks mssdee)
    cleaned out fridge. Was very interesting with the help of a 1 yr old and a 2 year old!!!

    Goal 3: Wear pedometer daily and increase every day at least a few steps! I'll be posting by step instead of by mile this week!
    Yesterday's- 6961 Today's- 6965. Well, I did say a few step!!

    Goal 4: I will park in the farthest spot I can find at every parking lot!
    I did even though it was a really small parking lot!!
  • FabOma08
    FabOma08 Posts: 500
    Keep plugging everyone!!

    WELCOME to all the new people :flowerforyou:

    I am sooooo sorry. I have been on this rescue mission for several days now. Can't really talk about it, but any praying people out there if you could say a prayer, I would appreciate it.

    Also, my brother is having Open Heart Surgery today......................... but that's another family story.

    It is not going to be a good week, I have not been home much and will have to leav e again in 3 hours. Gonna try and take a nap now.

    Keep going............. I don't even have time to do my food diary. :-(

    You do what you need to do and know your family is in our thoughts! We'll keep these going!!
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    Miss Dee - my best to your family, I hope your brother's surgery goes well. :flowerforyou:

    Suz - my dear you look FABLOUS!!!!! You are doing such an amazing job and all your hard work is paying off. Keep it up girl! :happy:

    Oma - Way to make all your goals today! Keep it yo you are ROCKIN your goals this week :smile:

    Bachooka – Way to go today! Nice job with the water and workouts!

    sl1mmy - Keep on posting, I found that it helps me too. Nice job wiht your goals today!

    1. Drink all my water - got in all my water today (plus some extra... thought I was going to float away)
    2. Get all my workout's in this week - Got my Tuesday workout in at 3:50 this evening :smile:
    3. Log EVERYTHING - logged it ALL!! I was about to snack on some chips and I stopped and thought, I DO NOT want to list chips on my diary again... So I didn't eat them. :happy:

    Time for me to log off. Have a great night everyone! Keep reaching for those mini goals!
  • Hayaa79
    Hayaa79 Posts: 458 Member
    Count me IN :bigsmile:

    My Weight: 165
    Goal Weight after a week: 160

    Walk: 30min (2M)
    Aerobics: 60min (Warm Up + Cardio + Stregth Training + Abs/Legs + Cool Down)

    Water: Drink 2.3 Litres
    Food: Cut down on Carbs e.g Wheat (Bread, Khubuz etc) + Rice & Oil (Fried Foods)

    am doing this on & off but cant keep up plz I need some support & motivation to go on
  • FabOma08
    FabOma08 Posts: 500
    Miss Dee - my best to your family, I hope your brother's surgery goes well. :flowerforyou:

    Suz - my dear you look FABLOUS!!!!! You are doing such an amazing job and all your hard work is paying off. Keep it up girl! :happy:

    Oma - Way to make all your goals today! Keep it yo you are ROCKIN your goals this week :smile:

    Bachooka – Way to go today! Nice job with the water and workouts!

    sl1mmy - Keep on posting, I found that it helps me too. Nice job wiht your goals today!

    1. Drink all my water - got in all my water today (plus some extra... thought I was going to float away)
    2. Get all my workout's in this week - Got my Tuesday workout in at 3:50 this evening :smile:
    3. Log EVERYTHING - logged it ALL!! I was about to snack on some chips and I stopped and thought, I DO NOT want to list chips on my diary again... So I didn't eat them. :happy:

    Time for me to log off. Have a great night everyone! Keep reaching for those mini goals!

    Thank you! Today the walking and parking far out will be easy! Hospital parking lots! What choice is there?? Already took my vitamins and taking my afternoon medicine along with me just in case! Don't know if I'll have time to re-organize anything today but.... oh well! I'm getting my grandson today and that's all that really matters to me today!! Y'all keep it up!!!
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    Thank you! Today the walking and parking far out will be easy! Hospital parking lots! What choice is there?? Already took my vitamins and taking my afternoon medicine along with me just in case! Don't know if I'll have time to re-organize anything today but.... oh well! I'm getting my grandson today and that's all that really matters to me today!! Y'all keep it up!!!

    I'd say you nailed your goals considering time with your grandson tops re-organizing EVERYDAY :happy:

    1. Drink all my water - I got in all my water plus a little extra, and I still have a few hours until bed time so I might get some more in.
    2. Get all my workout's in this week - Done got up at 5:30 to get the arm workout and the ab workout in.
    3. Log EVERYTHING - I did pretty good today. Not to many temptations today, Tuesday can be tough (I work from home) so yesterday was a little more difficult. When I'm in the office I'm pretty good about eating what I bring and not straying into the "treat cube" too often.

    3 for 3 today!!!
    Hope you all are reaching for those mini goals. Have a great night. Time for me to log off!
  • sl1mmy
    sl1mmy Posts: 185
    reporting day 3

    1. Drink 4 glasses of water a day. : done for today
    2. Stay under limit of my food everyday: done I even allowed me a beer and still under my limit
    3. finish organising dining room : nothing today
    4. resume workout or see a cardiologist : rowed 3,500 meters
    5. eat at least 1 vegetable twice a day : full vege day again

    4 out of 5 not too bad!

    We miss you Miss Dee. I hope everything is gonna be all right!
  • FabOma08
    FabOma08 Posts: 500
    report day 3
    Goal 1: remember to take my vitamins daily(sounds easy but not remembering to take my pills is how I ended up with 3 kids!)
    I did it!

    Goal 2: clean out/organize 1 area every day(thanks mssdee)
    15 hours at the hospital instead! I did clean out the kids diaper bag though!!

    Goal 3: Wear pedometer daily and increase every day at least a few steps! I'll be posting by step instead of by mile this week!
    Yesterday 6965. Today 7981

    Goal 4: I will park in the farthest spot I can find at every parking lot!
    Done! Plus wandering around 3 levels trying to find the car!
  • sl1mmy
    sl1mmy Posts: 185
    reporting day 3

    1. Drink 4 glasses of water a day. : one to go before midnight
    2. Stay under limit of my food everyday : good job done!
    3. finish organising dining room : anxiety keept me from doing it today
    4. resume workout or see a cardiologist good wokout day with gardening and walking
    5. eat at least 1 vegetable twice a day : today I filled the fridge with vegees and fruits. I'm right on it.

    good day after all, yummy day!
  • KrisPage
    KrisPage Posts: 539 Member
    This week has not gone very well :cry: I have parked in the end of the lot but only gotten 1 lunch walk this week.
    Calorie deficit
    Sun 1311
    Mon 543
    Tues 116
    Wed 690
    Thur so far 526 today
    So for the most part doing good at keeping my deficit good ave. 532/ day with 2 days left.
  • FabOma08
    FabOma08 Posts: 500
    Report Day 4
    I did take my vitamins this morning. I parked on the wrong level in the hospital parking lot on purpose. and today's steps: 6690. That's the best I can do for the day. Tomorrow will be better
  • dawnflying
    dawnflying Posts: 34 Member
    :happy: Dee, thinking of you and hope your brother is recovering well, take good care!

    This is a mid week check in and I am on track so far - have stuck to my calories and did a great zumba class Wed and a Davina workout Monday. The complete opposite of last week and am a couple of pounds down which feels great! :happy:

  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    Hi all check in for Thursday... on Friday
    1. Drink all my water - got in about 9 cups yesterday!
    2. Get all my workout's in this week - Thursday workout.. DONE
    3. Log EVERYTHING - did good with my logging. though I usually like to log right after I eat lunch, but had a couple of meetings so I logged later in the day, but I think I remembered everything :happy:

    So far for Friday, I got my morning workout in, and I've already had 2 cups of water. Time to start painting the trim in family room. Will this renovation ever been done! LOL!

    Have a great day everyone!
  • sl1mmy
    sl1mmy Posts: 185
    My fryday on sathurday morning

    1. Drink 4 glasses of water a day. : done
    2. Stay under limit of my food everyday : good job done!
    3. finish organising dining room : did some today
    4. resume workout or see a cardiologist : good wokout day with walking
    5. eat at least 1 vegetable twice a day : I'm right on it but strawberries in the fridge keep calling me to be eaten !!
  • KrisPage
    KrisPage Posts: 539 Member
    This week has not gone very well :cry: I have parked in the end of the lot but only gotten 1 lunch walk this week.
    Calorie deficit
    Sun 1311
    Mon 543
    Tues 116
    Wed 690
    Thur 735
    Fri 692
    Sat yet to see

    All work week parked out in farthest spot, but only got 1 walk for lunch this week. but I have hit my pound and more. I have finally gotten under 220 lbs!!!!!
    average daily deficit 681
  • angie_roo
    angie_roo Posts: 55
    I had moderate success. I went for shorter walks then I would have liked and not enough days as I should have.
  • dexters_dexterity
    dexters_dexterity Posts: 342 Member
    wanna join u with this challenge

    this week i want to

    1- Drink 6-8 glasses of water
    2- My cup of milk
    3-My protein level is not too low(im not eating any kind of meat and eggs these days except fish, though im not a vegetarian)
    4-No more giggly arms
  • dexters_dexterity
    dexters_dexterity Posts: 342 Member
    1- just could have 4 glasses of water any more ill have t spend whole night in toilet. tommorow ill start drinking water in the morning not after 5 pm
    2- workout-done
    3- supplement -done
    4-milk-nopes but i had half a cup of yoghurt- tommorow milk should be in my breakfast
    5-my protein level was too low again, tommorow ill focus on low carb and more proteins