I am having trouble getting started

:ohwell: This is my first time that I have ever started to get serious about my personal well being. I have never been tragically upset about my physical appearance. To be honest I have good self esteem. BUT I have awful self motivation. I don't know how to motivate myself everyday to change my personal habits to better my health. Does anyone have any good tips to keep my self motivation up on a day to day basis?


  • caeliumspecto
    caeliumspecto Posts: 42 Member
    I always find that planning ahead or setting small goals for myself makes things easier. If I don't know what I should be doing ahead of time, I tend to get side tracked.

    I'm pretty new to this too, but at least for the past few weeks setting goals has been working. Maybe start with something small like adding 1 leafy/green vegetable to your meals every day? Or 15 minutes of exercise?

    Or, if you want, since I *am* new to this whole "motivation" business, maybe we could help each other. I dunno, like keep track of each other's eating/exercise and make comments.
  • Blackthorne99
    Blackthorne99 Posts: 250 Member
    Put more energy into the question. Why do you want to better your health? Why bother? What good does it do you? What do you want out of it? What do you REALLY want? "Health" is so ambiguous than when faced with "chocolate" or "television", the immediate pleasure is much more well-defined and emotionally charged. People say "I ***LOVE*** chocolate!!!!!!!!", but they don't express what health will bring them that can possibly compete with that.

    What lights you up? What drives you? What fires you up? What keeps you moving through life and makes you forget time?"

    For me, it's kind of an anti-image. My grandmother spent twenty-three years wasting away in a nursing home, her life and health ebbing slowly away. I *REALLY* don't want to live like that! That's where my focus comes from. I want energy. I want vitality. I want to be able to *do* things.

    I'm also an achievement junkie. I like rock climbing because there is a puzzle to solve and a goal (reaching the top). And there are always harder routes to try. I like yoga because there are deeper more complex poses to try, and every time I master one, there's another one still waiting out there just beyond my reach. So "going for a walk" doesn't work for me - it has to be something I couldn't do before that's *just* beyond my reach.

    For me, this has nothing to do with WEIGHT. It has to do with having a body that is capable of doing what I want to do. In the process of creating that body, I tried many forms of dieting, had surgery to fix a metabolic issue, and lost 125lbs. So yes, weight loss occurred, but it wasn't the goal. The goal was and is - to be healthy. I just break it down into scalable chunks so that I can achieve them.
  • davidrt
    davidrt Posts: 162
    being on here and seeing what you are doing is a big motivation , getting started is always hard and can be intimidating when you see others doing more and better than you, but we all started someplace to get where we are find a friend to help, you have a bunch doing the same thing as you right here, feel free to add me and im sure everyone else will say the same good luck never give up
  • maxinethestrange
    I am so bad for slipping up so i have swapped all my fave things for low fat or low sugar alternatives, I make sure people around me know I am trying to lose weight so they stop me from cheating and push me when I get a little lazy.

    Small goals are defo a good start , and be honest people on here will not judge but it is best to be honest on what your eatting and doing no point lying to people you do not know .
    also love your pic you look so pretty :tongue: jealous