What should I do?



  • jenstanley13
    jenstanley13 Posts: 194 Member
    I just wanted to wish you good luck on your journey. I think if you show you are seriuos about this weight loss by eating healthier and finding a way to exercise I think you will be a great example and role model for your family; change is hard, but can be done! It all starts with you! I would definitely see if your school offers free access to the gym, most do if you are a student!

    One tip I do have at mexican restaurants is to order an individual item (like a chicken enchilada with no sour cream sauce) they may not have it on the menu that way, but I bet you can still order like that. Also, on trading your fries at mcdonalds for a healthier option instead I bet you could if you ask...fast food restaurants are starting to realize that people want healthier options and are willing to do things like this if you just ask...the worst they are going to do is tell you no.
  • staps065
    staps065 Posts: 837 Member
    Make decisions for yourself! You can make healthy food chocies (or at least better ones!) anywhere you end up eating. And you can make the time for yourself to walk or exercise. If the family doesn't want to go when you do, leave them behind. It's your choice and theirs to be healthier; eat better and exercise.

    Some people do try to sabotage others rather than support them, yes even family and even parents. Make the coice to be your own person and don't let them drag yuo down!
  • keljo05
    keljo05 Posts: 173
    make small changes as others have said and keep finding little ways to cut calories and increase exercise. The weight may not come off as fast as you might like to see it in the beginning, but who cares as long as it comes off.

    I'm a somewhat fan of McDonalds salads actually. DH loves fast food and I usually get the grilled chicken ceasar salad for 290cal... the dressing is another 190 if you use the whole packet.. but i use about half and its fine. I just tried the southwest salad and I think its around 300cal. with the dressing being about 150-200. If I want french fries I usually just have about 10 or so from either DH or DS.

    Resistance bands might be something you could also look into for strength training at home.
  • Black_rose1809
    Black_rose1809 Posts: 40 Member
    Thank you for all your support everyone. Today was a bit hard though, but I did stand up for what I believed in and told my parents no. My dad got very mad and left me alone at home to get tacos. But I was glad I did, instead I waited until I was hungry and ate something instead of being forced to eat with them.

    I hope if I keep doing that, they'll get the message and want to do what I want. Thanks everyone!
  • mericksmom
    mericksmom Posts: 222 Member
    I understand it is hard * HUGS* but maybe you could try doing what Jessica Alba did and prepare your own meals seperately from your family. And when your nice yummy healthy food comes out and you are making MMMMMMMMMM over it, it may just make your family jealous enough that they would like a bite. For myself I would cook a double portion or more and then put the left overs in pre portion containers and into the fridge/freezer for quick meal down the road... yummy
  • Papillon22
    Papillon22 Posts: 1,160 Member
    Thank you for all your support everyone. Today was a bit hard though, but I did stand up for what I believed in and told my parents no. My dad got very mad and left me alone at home to get tacos. But I was glad I did, instead I waited until I was hungry and ate something instead of being forced to eat with them.

    good job! that's one big step in the right direction!