New - Eating at Night, Help

kalajaneryan Posts: 3
edited September 29 in Introduce Yourself
My name is Kristy. I have three kids and my weight right now is 150. I have never had a problem losing the weight I have gained until now. I want to get back to 120, but have hit a 150 road block. Why? I eat at night. I ate 1500 calories last night. I added to my intake form and got only about 300 calories I can eat today because I am a running. Is eating at night really bad? How do I stop? I am bipolar and take my meds at night which triggers the hungry(sp). I am so upset with myself because I say it is the last time. I woke up today and ate ice cream. So what do I do today? Since 12am I have already took in what I need today to make it. Please help me and suggest how I can stop eating at night. I need to get to my 120. Since I run, my intake is 1800 a day.
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