
abroter Posts: 3 Member

I just started this program after it was recommended to me. I am off and have swiched out from other diet plans. Hoping that by tracking my eating I will be able to get this weight off. Wish me luck.:smile: :


  • Ritamas2
    Ritamas2 Posts: 319
    Hello and welcome,
    You will find this site so helpful and motivating,

    I don't look at this like dieting, this has to be a life long change,
    I have "dieted" in this past, and when you diet, it usually means
    you eat lighter until you reach your goal and then go back to
    eating the way you were, and when this happpens, you usually gain
    back everything lost plus some.

    Just wanted to give you that Info...I wish I would have been afforded that when I
    tried to lose weight years ago.

    Feel free to add me for support if you want too!! :)
  • abroter
    abroter Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks for the support. I have changed my wording to "journey". I have been down this road too many times and trying to make sure that I do this right. Thanks again.