30 day shred...pushups??



  • qtpiesmom
    qtpiesmom Posts: 394 Member
    i find the jumping jacks hard-I cant jump anymore...anyone else?

    kick one leg out in front at a time less impact that way but still cardio with arm movements helps to start out then try to build in a couple of jacks then a couple of kicks out front till your body gets used to it
  • llkilgore
    llkilgore Posts: 1,169 Member
    i find the jumping jacks hard-I cant jump anymore...anyone else?

    I quit after 8 days in March because the jumping jacks and jump ropes were KILLING me. What a shock! I thought if anything defeated me, it would be the pushups, but no, it was the blasted jumping jacks and jump ropes. The strength training program I started soon after to head off a weigh loss plateau unexpectedly took care of that problem, though, and I can now jump without pain. It's amazing how much easier high impact aerobic exercises are when your core and legs are strong and stable. I can even run without serious pain now, which is why I haven't gotten back to the shred yet. I want to I finish C25K first.