Jillian Michaels Challenge INTRO - CLOSED GROUP



  • porcelainOwl
    day one of 30ds complete! will do measurements tomorrow! Go purple!
  • rosemiller11
    rosemiller11 Posts: 224 Member
    Sorry that I haven't gotten to this sooner....
    Chest: 45.5
    Biceps: 17.5
    Waist: 42.0
    Hips: 19.5
    Thighs: 34.0
    So I did level 1 day 1 today of the 30ds, and did it ever kick my butt! I've been workin out since Janurary, but this is a whole lot different than my other workouts. I def. did not rock it, but hopefully I will. Can't wait until I get to the place where it is no longer a challenge to me! Good luck to all, but team green, let's rock this!
  • BJC78
    BJC78 Posts: 324 Member
    If anyone is looking for a measurement chart to print out to keep track/log weekly - I printed this one out :)

  • BJC78
    BJC78 Posts: 324 Member
    Hello! I work third shift so my morning is 6 in the evening. I have one more week on the shred, and I love the results so much I might start Ripped in 30 next instead of BFBM.

    L thigh=26
    R thigh-26
    L Bicep-13
    R Bicep-13

    Go GREEN!

    I have 5 days left of 30ds and am thinking of starting ripped in 30 after also :)
  • rhapsody527
    Weighing in for team orange-still 211.2 :) Sorry this was not sooner, I worked a long shift today. Didn't get to do measurements yet
  • lingading
    lingading Posts: 259 Member
    I will post my stats tomorrow.. have to go buy a measuring tape!
    30ds hasn't gotten here yet so today I went to the gym - 20 minutes (2.1 miles) on the elliptical and all over strength training with the weight machines.. can't wait for my dvd to get here!!
  • catdub
    catdub Posts: 7 Member
    Made it through first day of Ripped in 30 - pretty brutal but goes by quickly.....

    Stats for today:
    Weight 165
    Bust 38
    Waist 34
    Hips 40
  • Prettyme924
    Prettyme924 Posts: 86 Member
    143 lbs
    chest 37
    biceps 10.5
    R bicep 11
    waist 35
    hips 39
    thigh 25
    lets go team blue...
  • savvynurse
    savvynurse Posts: 292
    DAY 2~~~~ Forgot how much I hate her!! Oh my legs!!! L1D2 out of the way. L1D10 will be LOTS better though. I know it!! Woking on 32 oz down already this morning. Any others out there water logging?
  • mellimeter
    mellimeter Posts: 102 Member
    Here are my measurements:

    Chest: 36.5
    Bicep: 12
    Waist: 37
    Hip: 48
    Thigh: 29

    Today's Weigh In: 199.3
  • porcelainOwl

    Bust: 38
    waist: 33
    hips: 41.5
    right thigh:26.5
    left thigh 26
  • newtswifey07
    A new thread has been posted! Please leave all comments on the JILLIAN MICHAELS CHALLENGE WEEK 1 THREAD! Thanks! :)