always feel bigger after a wokout :(


whenever i do any decent form of exercise, whether it is just a simple run, or a combo of cardio at the gym i always come home feeling bigger and like my stomach particularly looks bigger than before.

it feels like im being punished!

it makes it so hard to want to exercise sometimes because i know im going to be disheartened afterwards :(

just feeling really crap today.
i was proud of myself for going for a run despite the disgustingly hot weather, and i come home feeling significantly more puffy than before.

arghhhh i want to cry.


  • rachelboddy
    rachelboddy Posts: 115 Member
    The same thing happens to me! I feel swollen after working out and my pants have an even harder time going on. I don't know why it does it either :( keep up the good work though, hopefully it will get better.
  • RattieLove
    RattieLove Posts: 125
    Same thing happens to me!
    A little bird told me that your body expands slightly when it gets heated up. Which I think would make a whole lot of sense considering you're definitely warming up your body when you work out!
  • Mildrede
    Mildrede Posts: 3
    Please check your sodium intake.. also check with your doctor I couldn't have diary anymore. Now I don't feel like that anymore.

    Hope this help.
  • wildkatt7
    wildkatt7 Posts: 163 Member
    not to mention, the stomach is the last thing to go, so as we lose weight elsewhere, our stomachs look bigger and bigger...
  • Frankenbarbie01
    Frankenbarbie01 Posts: 432 Member
    Drink lots of water and dont give up! Eventually you will feel more powerful and stronger than bloated and swollen after your workouts!! I just finished my P90x lags/back/abs and now have to SQUEEZE my wedding rings back on, LOL BUT I feel so STRONG!!! You can do it!!
  • slp2112
    slp2112 Posts: 107
    Working out triggers a swelling response - the more your body heats up, the more things are going to swell (this is why you should always buy running shoes that are 1/2 size larger, because you need to give your feet and toes room to swell). Try focusing a lot on your cool downs. Give your heart rate a lot of time to slow down and even out your breathing. (I usually hop on a stationary bike and peddle at a really moderate pace for 10-15 minutes) Also, if your gym has foam rollers, those things are awesome. They help push lactic acid and other toxins out of your muscles, preventing soreness. Foam rolling will also improve your flexibility and can really help with cool downs. Give your body some time to chill out and really lower its temperature. Hopefully this will really help reduce what you're talking about.

    Also, are you hungry by the end of your workout? I notice that if I'm really hungry I feel as though I'm bigger. Don't know why. Maybe it's psychological. But fueling properly and making sure you're not starving by the time you're done working out may also help.

    Good luck!!
  • stephgreene
    stephgreene Posts: 143
    Whenever I've had that it's because of a couple things...

    1. Not enough water -- you swell when you're dehydrated. Are you drinking before, during, and after your workout? Lots of fluids is key! It's usually water retention

    2. Everyone weighs more after they work out. I'm not sure why, but I work in a gym and always tell people not to weigh themselves afterwards. If you want consistent weight loss results, weigh in the morning after using the bathroom. You'll definitely see a difference!
  • kater8er
    kater8er Posts: 364 Member
    This happens to me too, especially if I'm working out in the afternoon...In the morning, not so much. I don't worry about it though, it's always gone the next day!