Quotes to share in light of morning's events



  • shorerider
    shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member
    Don't worry about it tonight--just PM when you get a chance. Get some rest tonight and study! gotta keep up that good grade track record you got going!
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Hmmm I don't remember seeing that, I haven't been on the boards as much. I shouldn't be right now because I have a test tomorrow LOL, but I needed some time to decompress. :sick:
    What was your question?

    Another test?? Geessh, your profs don't believe much in breaks, do they? When's your fall break??

    Well, when you got time, I saw you talking about it on some other post and how it was "bad" to have too much in your system. I googled it but couldn't understand half of what I found on the web--all that scientific type talk, you know. i was just trying to find out what it does, how to avoid having too much, and why is too much bad?

    Yea, it's Anatomy again. Then I have the Physiology portion of the exam next Thursday. This class is VERY labor-intensive.

    Ah, cortisol. It's a hormone released in periods of stress. It does a TON of stuff. The ones most pertinent to fat loss is that it increases blood sugar (by increasing glucose synthesis and gylcogen breakdown), increases fat breakdown, and increases muscle breakdown and prevents protein synthesis. While it's good that it breaks down fat, it's bad that it breaks down muscle and counteracts insulin. And although that fat is getting broken down, that doesn't mean it's being used. Fats circulate in the blood stream, ready for use--but if they aren't used, they're just reabsorbed by the fat cells. So cortisol really does more harm than good. I'm not really one to talk, because by the time I'm logging 40 miles a week, I'll probably have plenty of it circulating, but that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make for my next goal.
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