So much to lose, so much to gain

Hello All,
2 years ago I was told I needed to lose weight, but given no direction other than "diet and exercise". 2 weeks ago I was told I am diabetic. But told I could control it with "diet and exercise". So I was directed to this site. I have spent 2 weeks watching what my food choices do to my balanced (or not so balanced) diet. I lost 8 lbs, but have now stopped losing. Need some support, to get over the hump and start losing again. I'm afraid to tell my friends and family for fear that I will fail once again.
Any tips would be greatly appreciated, other than "diet and exercise". I've heard that so long, I find it discouraging. I did buy low impact aerobic videos and have done it a few times, and am learning alot from this site.
Thanks Jill


  • nomorefatbitch
    Humps are common.

    I am not diabetic, but am severely hypoglycemic - so much so that I have ended up in the hospital more than once.

    Since I have started losing weight (this round) I haven't had a single episode - other than the one I KNEW was gonna happen because I couldn't close my mouth when the cake was coming my way!

    Good luck to you in your journey :)
  • Caitie1986
    Caitie1986 Posts: 72 Member
    Plateaus are pretty common. It's a matter or being conscious of what you are doing. It won't take too long for your body to get off the plateau as long as calories out is greater than calories in.
  • RocheleLynn
    RocheleLynn Posts: 265 Member
    I am also very hypoglycemic. I have found that increasing lean proteins.. like 5-7 oz a meal depending on the item.. has really helped stabilize my blood sugar.
  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member