How do you get in your 8 glasses a day??



  • heatherlindsays
    heatherlindsays Posts: 12 Member
    I have this same problem as well. Some of the ideas are great!
  • Countrymade
    Countrymade Posts: 183 Member
    I fill a pitcher that holds all but 2 glass of the water I am suppose to drink in one day and put it in the fridge..
    I then fill a glass with the other two and set it on the counter. I drink one for sure at lunch and one for sure at dinner.
    During the day everytime I walk by there I drink. I also drink a full bottle of water when I work out and
    I drink at least 2 glasses when I brush my teeth.
    It really doesn't take long to get 8 glasses in. I actually get more than that but I don't always measure and by measuring with the pitcher I know if I finish that I have gotten all my water in and then some.
    Weight Watchers always said you could get half of your water from diet caffeine soda or caffeine free coffee or tea.
    Good Luck.
  • bethany_22
    bethany_22 Posts: 203 Member
    I drink 2 glasses before breakfast and it helps keep me full. Then I drink one more after. I do that before and after every meal. Sometimes if I can't drink one more after my meal I will drink it with my snack.
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    Wow!! Awesome ideas, thanks everyone! Anyone know why you're not supposed to have caffeine, btw?
  • OnlyGodCan
    OnlyGodCan Posts: 91 Member
    I bought a thermo cup that holds 25 ozs and I just drink 3 of those a day. Its a little more than the required 64 oz but it works. 75 ozs a day
  • rosemiller11
    rosemiller11 Posts: 224 Member
    I like water but I was finding it hard to drink my full 8 glasses, so I started making myself drink a full glass of water when I woke up in the morning, and yeah, I carry a wter bottle with me. It hold 4 cups, so if i fill it twice, I have it done for the day. However since I started drinking my full 8oz. I have discovered that the longer i drink water, the more water I can drink. I normally drink anywhere from 10-14 glasses a day. If I only get 8 in it's been a bad day. It gets easier with time. I never would have been able to force myself to drink that much to begin with. AND your body gets used to all that liquid. I don't have to pee now near as much as I did when I first started.
  • peteyTwang
    peteyTwang Posts: 250
    Ask the wait staff for a jug of water whenever you eat out...
  • phgk
    phgk Posts: 29
    I used to never drink water...caffeine free diet coke was my fav! Now, trying to lose weight, I have a 16 oz. cup with a straw...I fill it at least 4 times a day and cut slices of orange, lemon or strawberries into it. It really makes it taste so much better, and helps me get the water in. Now, I only drink 1 can of diet coke a day :)