I feel like a science experiment

kir911 Posts: 228 Member
I have been logging consistently on MFP for over a month now and exercising 5-6 days a week. My husband is actually a personal trainer, and I just had my third child and have probably 60 pounds to lose. My diet has never really been terrible, eating lean meats, high in fiber, reasonable portions, over all pretty healthy. I never seem to lose weight quickly, and it seems to take weeks for the weight loss to begin. I have to have the exact right amount of calories to exercise to lose anything. It is crazy frustrating!! I feel better, my clothes are getting looser, but I would really like to see the weight go off! I am again evaluating my calories to decide how to proceed so the scale will move! Does anyone else seem to have this issue?


  • TiDinzeo
    TiDinzeo Posts: 309
    Since your clothes are getting looser, you're probably losing fat, but gaining muscle. A pound of muscle takes up less space than a pound of fat, so don't be discouraged if the scales aren't moving as long as your measurements are getting smaller.
  • Naomi113
    Naomi113 Posts: 270 Member
    yep agree with the post above i was the same hun i have a personal trainer and for three weeks the weight would not move but finely 3kgs went the next week . i have been with trainer now for 3mths and all of a sudden i have hit a wall so she said for me i need to stick to 1200cals and do NOT eat any of them cals i lose from training ... im finding it hard and have only made the 1200 cals 4times in 3weeks so far. so it could be your body is just taking its time to kick start again or you are building muscle which sounds like you are if your clothing is getting lose :bigsmile: i am not always checking my scales i go of how i feel and im looking and your clothing they are a much better guide then scales :) good luck on your journey :happy:
  • Michelle_H
    Michelle_H Posts: 24
    Don't be too hard on yourself if you've not long had a baby. If you are nursing, that may make a difference too. However I would expect to see some sort of shift, exercising 5-6 days a week with my own PT on hand! Could those reasonable portions be more generous than you think? I have a little more to lose than you (I think) and I aim to burn 500 cals in an exercise sesion with 1000 on Saturday and stick to 1200 cals in my food diary. I don't eat my exercise cals but I have 3 main meals, a mid morning and mid afternoon snack and that's helping me shift 2lbs and upwards a week. I cannot commit to the exercise as much as I would like and I don't always burn those calories so I try to make sure my nutrition is bang on the mark.
  • kir911
    kir911 Posts: 228 Member
    I am actually weighing and measuring my food, so I know the portions are correct as fas my logging goes. I am also not eating starchy carbs after 2pm typically and trying to not eat them at all on my cardio days.
  • chrisfontes
    Have you had your thyroid checked?
  • robinso5
    robinso5 Posts: 310 Member
    Well my scale must be the devil then! i am workng out everyday! and i am watching what i eat and everything but the scale wont move! my clothes fit better and i am in a L instead of an XL but i want the scale to be on my side!