People with a sweet tooth - help please !



  • cymanning
    cymanning Posts: 2
    I am experiencing a sweet tooth at the moment as well. I just moved in with my boyfriend last month. He has never been one to have a sweet tooth, but when come here to Germany with him while he studies abroad, his is almost as bad as mine. I was just getting over it and i've been realizing that the more often you eat sugar the more you want it as Naiomi suggested earlier.

    And it's SUMMER! Be sure to get some Fresh Fruit! :) (also suggested previously by Joaneee)
    I don't know if you have any farmers markets in your area, but that is my favorite low key weekend activity. Pick up some divine produce (it's better than from the store because it usually travels less distance, often meaning that it has more time to ripen) and if you can walk there, even BETER because you can count it as some extra exercise.

    good luck!
  • Persipan
    Persipan Posts: 85 Member
    I'm actually pretty good at losing weight - my problem is that I then stop paying attention and eat a load of crap and it all piles back on - and I can tell you that it's perfectly possible to lose weight and still eat sweet things every day (although I do tend to be over my suggested amount of sugar). Yes, sugar is bad; yes, diet fake sugar is evil, but I know that if I try to cut out sweet things altogether I'll climb the walls and then fall spectacularly off the wagon, which so far as I'm concerned is ultimately worse than getting back to a healthy weight and getting into shape whilst eating a technically-imperfect diet. So, I incorporate sweet but not-too ruinous things into what I'm eating.

    I'll quite often eat one of those teeny-tiny bars of really good chocolate - Green and Blacks or Lindt, say - they're about 200 calories a go, so it means being careful about other things, but I eat it slowly and really enjoy it, so it's worth it.

    I tend to keep some Carte D'Or ice cream in the freezer - a serving of that is only 110 calories and I have it with a massive bowl of fruit, so I feel like I've had a big pudding. If you're out and about, a Mr Whippy-type ice-cream is generally not too bad (skip the flake). Actually, lots of ice lolly type things are pretty OK, too. Soleros spring to mind.

    I'm a bit of a cake obsessive (I even have cupcake tattoos) but if I'm trying to lose weight, the fact that cake is high in both fat and sugar means I really need to try to steer clear. Although I've found in the ast that certain things - meringues and eclairs, for example, which are both mostly air - are less of a disaster than others, so if I'm going to work a treat into my eating for the day, I'll go for one of those. Tonight I'm going round to a friend's house for dinner, and I offered to bring pudding so I'd have some control over what it was. I've made some meringues (120ish calories for 2) and I'll take a load of summer berries to have with them.

    Overall my advice would be, try to use fruit as a basis for desserts/sweet snacks (e.g. stewed fruit with a dollop of low-fat custard or yoghurt) ; and watch out for the fact that sugar and fat can often go hand in hand and you can only get away with so much.
  • Givemewings
    Givemewings Posts: 864 Member
    Hi. I have a sweet tooth and prior to starting with MFP went through a bad patch of eating sweets ( I was travelling 180 miles a day in the car and it relieved boredom!). I also love chocolate and coffees. I have just stopped having all of them. I am quite amazed that really I do not crave them that much but I do eat sweet fruits like strawberries and pineapple when I get a craving and it seems to have worked well for me. I also eat activia yoghurts and have golden syrup porridge in the morning. Hope this might help. I am from the UK too, feel free to friend me if you would like...I could do with the support too!
  • djkymba
    djkymba Posts: 174
    Bummmmppp, for later. I'll be back.
  • bossymom
    bossymom Posts: 41 Member
    Increase your protein intake and some of those sugar cravings will diminish. Having said that, I agree with other folks here that enjoy sugar free pudding/jello, and Skinny Cow treats(as long as you can limit yourself). Make sure you're getting enough calories,too.
  • welloiledmachine
    welloiledmachine Posts: 1,147 Member
    Fruit is dessert. Fruit is dessert. Fruit is dessert. There is plenty of natural sugar in fruit. I will say that it is very hard to cut out added sugar. Just about everything has some sort of added sugar in it. I cut out artificial sweeteners all together as they do more harm than good and have stayed away from anything that has more than 4-5g of sugar per serving. It seems as tho, the more sugar you eat the more you want. So it can be a struggle to stay away from it. I'll usually grab an apple or an orange if I have a sugar craving. Worst case, I will grab a square of 85% LIndt cocoa. Sugar can have a huge effect on your health and make it hard to lose weight. My biggest culprit was sugary mixed alcoholic drinks. That totally sabotaged my clean eating lifestyle.
    Cutting back is the best thing. Maybe even chewing sugar free gum that is flavored like Key Lime Pie or Chocolate Mint. JMHO.
  • abbyy182
    abbyy182 Posts: 56
    Wow, your responses have been so great, I really appreciate it. I will try and cut out the sweetener, I do like to have a small treat, I jus don't want to go too far with it. Smoothies are a go, and I have bought fruit, just need a blender now !

    Thank you so much, I have noted these ideas down ! :happy:
  • kklindsey
    kklindsey Posts: 382 Member
    90 Calorie Special K bars.

    oh, yum. I actually had to ban these from my house. The chocolatey pretzel are so good that they might as well be donuts and I will overeat them, as in, the whole box. not fair they make them taste so good.
  • mariabee
    mariabee Posts: 212 Member
    Please forgive me if someone else has already said this...

    #1: chew gum
    #2: get rid of artificial sweeteners, my experience has proven they make you CRAVE more sugar.
    #3: this helps me a ton... once your meal is done, BRUSH YOUR TEETH.

    Hope this helps!
  • Hollycat
    Hollycat Posts: 372
    Sounds weird, but Cool Whip free [about 8 T] with 1 T reduced fat peanut butter. Mix it all up til it melts some, then dip a banana in it. It's sort of like peanut butter banana ice cream, if such a thing exists. For some reason, that satisfies. Not terribly healthy. Not saying that. But it does the trick. Got this from HungryGirl.

  • wjassell
    wjassell Posts: 104 Member
    I eat Cliff Builders bars as one of my 6 meals. Takes care of my chocolate craving and at 270cal 30g carbs 8g fat and 20g protein is a great solution for me.
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    I know people scoff at clean eating , but once I cut out processed food, my sugar craving went down to a completely manageable level. I could eat a sorbet instead of an ice cream and be satisfied, I could eat a small portion of chocolate without binging. Even if you cut back 50% of the fake sugar you will be in much better shape. Fake sugar creates a cycle of dependency, and you are better off without it..
  • Louiselesley
    Louiselesley Posts: 166 Member
    sugar free jelly - the orange one is REALLY sweet. i actually find it too sweet for me and ive a sweet tooth so it'll definitely satisfy a craving.

    i take the non-sugar free one and for only about 80cals per serving it satisfies my need for something sweet
  • ingading
    ingading Posts: 2 Member
    When I need something sweet and craving a smooth, chocolatey dessert I have a 60 calorie (sugar free) Jello pudding with a dollop of Free Cool Whip. It really satisfying and delicious...
  • suzooz
    suzooz Posts: 720 Member
    I went "cold turkey" on carbs for a couple of weeks, and although it was really hard, it curbed my sugar cravings / habits. I have since reintroduced my body to "good" carbs including fruits and whole grains.

    I still get a sweet tooth once in a while, and I have found that Vitatops chocolate muffins are good. I also do the peanut butter and cool whip thing, but add in a melted fudgesicle or cocoa, if I want something chocolatey!
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Fat Free pudding. No sugar added fudge pop. Low fat graham cracker with a little peanut butter. Frozen grapes and blueberries are good too.