Does running give you quicker weight loss?



  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member
    I Love QFT now :) I'm going to keep doing it!
  • mir7x
    mir7x Posts: 11
    it would give you a little bit quicker fat loss if you do fasted cardio ie first thing in the morning before breakfast, gentle jogging at about 50%, max 60-70% of your maximum heart rate, which is normally quite slow, for about 20-30 minutes, ideally you would take a bcaa supplement to help burn fat, that's what athletes and bodybuilders do for fat loss and it's a great way to start your day.
  • mynameisnutz
    mynameisnutz Posts: 123
    Genetically... running only makes sense in shorter intervals. We weren't built on running marathons.

    You should read Born To Run by Chris McDougal. Humans are in fact the only animal that can run long distances. How do you think hunter/gatherers hunted before they invented tools and weapons?
  • runlorirun
    runlorirun Posts: 389
    Genetically... running only makes sense in shorter intervals. We weren't built on running marathons.

    Don't tell the Kenyans, oh, wait maybe we should then then other countries could win a race or two....
  • yanicka
    yanicka Posts: 1,004 Member
    It didn't make me lose faster but it really helped my legs, I never liked my legs, think of 2 cylinders on top of each others.... not sexy. With running, they are getting better and better, I even wear skirts or dress now.
  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member
    i'm grateful for your op.
  • mom23nuts
    mom23nuts Posts: 636 Member
    I was told that if you mix anything cardio up with shorter bursts of intensity it will get your heart rate up there and you will see some good results.

    So if you walk at 4 mph for 4 minutes then do 30sec to 1 min at 5mph or 5.5 and then go back to a walk for 4 min again. Or if you do the bike for 30 min do 10 minutes of that spaced out and in smaller chunks of time with all out speed and effort.

    I think the trainer at my gym said that getting your heart rate up there for a bit before going back to target heart rate gets things moving on any acitivity you do.
  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member
    best physical report i've heard yet!
  • kumarprabhat
    kumarprabhat Posts: 116
    I've just finished Week 6 of C25K, and it certainly hasn't speeded up my weight loss....but it has made me much fitter and helped me burn fat. :bigsmile:

    My thigh muscles are more defined now (although there is still an amount of fat there), and I have lost 29.5" all over. I don't think I'd have lost so many inches without the running! However, in terms of actual pounds lost, I'm still averaging about 1lb a week, which is fine. In terms of other benefits though (fitness, fewer headaches, better skin, more toned body etc.), running has been an absolute boon to me.

    And of course, there's the sense of achievement because believe me, when I first started this, I struggled to run for 60 seconds. In fact, it was zombie shambling! Now I am running 25 minutes non-stop and not being out of breath!

    It's also given me new goals - I want to run the London Marathon in two years....just before my 50th birthday, but before then I want to run charity 5Ks, 10Ks, and half-marathons. I cannot imagine not running now - it's really become part of my life!

    I really hope that if you do do it, you love it as much as I do! Do make sure you get fitted for proper running shoes though, or else you risk injury. Good running stores will do this for free for you.

    Exactly my experience...and I am cool with it...I am going for long term permanent fitness with balanced lifestyle rather than a short term loss which will come back.
  • mynameisnutz
    mynameisnutz Posts: 123
    Genetically... running only makes sense in shorter intervals. We weren't built on running marathons.
    Some schools of thought think the opposite - that we were built to jog slowly for hours - if not days - at a time. In "Survival of the Fittest" by Arctic explorer Mike Stroud, he argues that our ancestors would have chased down big prey - like the mammoth - over the course of days, gradually slowing it down with spear injuries until eventually they could kill it then drag the meat home, again over the course of days.

    Grok didn't run for days.. and if he did his family died out. Grok ran short intense runs and he trudged along diligently. He did so because it fed him and his family.

    Why would his family die out after several days with no food?

    There are still a couple indigenous tribes in Australia and Africa that practice persistence hunting.

    As for being chased down by a cat, that would definitely suck for someone, but it certainly doesn't mean the end of the species if one or two weak, old members of the tribe get eaten.
  • Seajolly
    Seajolly Posts: 1,435 Member
    Running will help with weight loss, but only really if you do it in intervals (bursts of speed, then slow down, repeat).
  • trianaw
    trianaw Posts: 177
    Genetically... running only makes sense in shorter intervals. We weren't built on running marathons.

    Don't tell the Kenyans, oh, wait maybe we should then then other countries could win a race or two....

    LMAO @ Don't tell the Kenyans!!! I have "completed" 2 full marathons and one half (so far). I don't know if genetics has anything to do w/the running. I believe it has to do w/the desire, discipline and training one takes to complete them. That's my belief w/anything. The overall discipline w/training will definitely change your body, mind & spirit as w/yoga. Depending on your age one must be careful w/being too aggressive w/the speed. Starting slowly and progressing in all areas of training for marathons will allow for completion w/out aches & injuries. Weight training & stretching(yoga) will help the body adapt and aid in the recovery as well.
  • trianaw
    trianaw Posts: 177
    Just interested to know whether I should try the C25K running program. Not at all a runner but if it means the lbs will come off more quickly.....Anybody any first hand experience?

    You can train to become a runner. You will lose weight if you make the necessary changes in your life w/diet, weight training & stretching as well. I practice yoga for my stretching w/marathon training. You may not see a drop in your weight if your diet doesn't change. But you will see major changes in the body when incorporating everything in the plan.
  • TheGoktor
    TheGoktor Posts: 1,138 Member
    You can train to become a runner. You will lose weight if you make the necessary changes in your life w/diet, weight training & stretching as well. I practice yoga for my stretching w/marathon training. You may not see a drop in your weight if your diet doesn't change. But you will see major changes in the body when incorporating everything in the plan.

    Brilliantly put, and so very true! :happy: