Hello Hello

Ruder94 Posts: 24 Member
I have been on here a couple of weeks now, but have never taken the time to say hello. One year ago I decided to make some major changes in my life and I dropped 80 pounds all on my own. I am now healthier than I have been in YEARS!! Unfortunately Im wishing i was a little more satisfied. I have really started to taper off with my weight loss and find that it is so hard to stay motivated now that the pounds come off so much slower. I need to stay motivated and drop at least another 20 pounds. I have two perfect kids and a super active man in my life. It would be great to be able to keep up with them. Not only that, but how much more must I lose to be muffin top free?!? I'm hoping that MFP will help with the support and accountability I need to keep moving forward!


  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    Welcome and good luck with your goals.
  • AshaDidIt
    AshaDidIt Posts: 28 Member
    WOW! 80 pounds down! That's like losing a 4th grader off your back.
  • OneFitMom_
    OneFitMom_ Posts: 151 Member
    Best of luck to you and stay POSITIVE!!! You'll get there..........dedication and determination will help you through.
  • oldscratch
    oldscratch Posts: 146
    welcome!! great work! !
  • AHealthierRhonda
    AHealthierRhonda Posts: 881 Member
    Congratulations on your accomplishment of losing 80 lbs!!!!!!!! You should be very proud of yourself for that!!!!!!!!!
    I think when you get down to having to lose only a few lbs, it gets tougher to do. There just isn't as much to lose so you need to work harder!
    Since you say your children and hubby are active, I would start doing things with them so you can all burn some energy together. My daughter and I dance a lot together. We just turn on the tunes and go for it. We play sports in the backyard, go for walks, play Wii games,.... When you exercise, try adding some extra weights for resistance. Muffin tops are tough to get rid of I think. That is going to be my nemisis too! LOL I'm hoping it is possible to tone up the skin after having kids!!!!
    Don't give up! You've come a long way baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • editara13
    editara13 Posts: 384 Member
    Welcome and I don't want to say good luck, because you don't need any luck, but just you will of doing it and with MFP is gonna be a lot faster and healthier than other programs. Have a great time here :-)

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • eprater73
    eprater73 Posts: 4
    Welcome!! Wow 80 lbs. is an awesome acheivement. Good Luck on your journey...at one time I was where you are..though I had help..I had my stomach stapled at 24, lost from 320lbs to 170, but still needed to make changes to lose to my goal of 150, never made those changes and two wonderful children and many old bad habits later I started here at MFP a little over a week ago at 299. So my journey is way longer than yours, but..I have figured out that I'm a sugar addict over the past few years and I'm on the right track to changing that...Here's to acheiving new goals!!!
  • Ritamas2
    Ritamas2 Posts: 319
    Congratulations on your wonderful weightloss,
    I've been on my journey (healthy eating wise) for 3 weeks
    now, but only on MFP for a week, so far I absolutely love it!

    Support and motivation are so important in this endeavor,
    so please feel free to add me :)