

  • Nick0sm0m
    Nick0sm0m Posts: 18 Member
    I'm glad this topic was here - I'm a definitely pop-aholic! (I'm from Pennsylvania, we don't say "soda" here, haha). My husband was going to the store and I actually DIDNT tell him to get pop. I'm trying to cut down. It wouldnt phase me to drink 4-5 cans a day, I could finish 3 of those big bottles a day. Today is my first pop-free day. We'll see how this goes.... I'll probably be in quite a bad mood later today, though! HAHA. Good luck to you!!! YOU CAN DO IT!! :-)
  • mamafrahm
    mamafrahm Posts: 132 Member
    I gave up soda 2 years ago for one of my new years resolutions, and I am proud to say that I have stuck to it (for the most part). I usually only drink soda when I go out to eat. The thing that helped me with the caffiene withdrawls (I used to drink 4-5 cans of mt. dew a day) was the Crystal Light Strawberry energy drink mix. It has the same amount of caffiene as the mt. dew and it is better than all the sugar!
  • shannonsnail
    shannonsnail Posts: 99 Member
    I need to give up soda!!!! I rarely drink it at home but like to order it when we go out (which is a lot). I can't do diet - artificial sweeteners give me migraines.
  • cheeksv
    cheeksv Posts: 521 Member
    I told my fiance NO MORE COKE A COLA in the house! If it is near me I will drink it. I have however been really good about not buying it or having it while I am out. Once you stop drinking it for long periods of time it looses its luster. I had a sip one day after not having it for about a month and all I tasted was sugar sugar sugar! and I was done.

    I do drink carbonated water to get that soda feel, often with fresh lemon.La croix is good but I go for just plain no fruit flavors or anything like that. That has helped a lot when I am looking for the carbonation and am kinda craving soda.
  • hwilliams519
    hwilliams519 Posts: 428
    I have tried to quit a couple of times before. The first time was easy because I had read some email about all the nasty things that coke can do. Like get battery acid off a car battery, blood off the interstate, and so on. I was so grossed out (sorry you prob are too now) that I quit. But it only lasted 2 months. Then earlier in the year I tried to quit. At that time I was mostly drinking coke zeros. But I was having major caffeine withdrawals! It was horrible. And I didn't drink them for caffeine, just because I liked them. Had no idea I was so hooked. Somedays I only have 1 or 2. But then sometimes I have days where that's all I want.
    FORKDOWN Posts: 1,754
    I have tried to quit a couple of times before. The first time was easy because I had read some email about all the nasty things that coke can do. Like get battery acid off a car battery, blood off the interstate, and so on. I was so grossed out (sorry you prob are too now) that I quit. But it only lasted 2 months. Then earlier in the year I tried to quit. At that time I was mostly drinking coke zeros. But I was having major caffeine withdrawals! It was horrible. And I didn't drink them for caffeine, just because I liked them. Had no idea I was so hooked. Somedays I only have 1 or 2. But then sometimes I have days where that's all I want.

    1 hour at work and I am craving a MTN Dew.
  • sarick84
    sarick84 Posts: 21
    Quiting soda was the best decision i ever made!!! I contributed alot of my weight gain to soda (my dad worked at pepsi for 25 years). But its been over 6 months since i quit (i feel like im in AA). What i do now just to simulate a soda is i drink a perrier or similar carbinated water and i put half a packet of water flavoring (sugerfree koolaid, crystal light ect) its not a soda but its seems to do the job for me. GOOD LUCK and BE STRONG.