Anyone want to do this with me?



  • ang16
    ang16 Posts: 91
    Morning everyone! Great to see more people! I'm starting exercise regime tonight, had an assignment due in and finished very late last night so am now stress free! On to the exercise!!!! This is very encouraging indeed!
  • TheGoktor
    TheGoktor Posts: 1,138 Member
    OK, count me in! I don't think I can lose it all by Chrimbo but I ought to be able to get rid of most of it by then!
  • Fattack
    Fattack Posts: 666 Member
    I'd love to be somewhere near goal by Christmas - if anybody wants to add me please pop a message in too!
  • BuddhaBabeee
    BuddhaBabeee Posts: 105
    Yep my goal for about 160-ish is Christmas :)
  • ang16
    ang16 Posts: 91
    Let's all make sure we all check in with one another at least once a week? Sometimes I don't always get a chance to respond every day but I'm trying hard.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    My goal's Christmas too. Check my sig :flowerforyou:
  • emmadrama
    emmadrama Posts: 53 Member
    sign me up, i'm right there with you all!
  • ang16
    ang16 Posts: 91
    Really great to have all you guys!!!! Will we continue to communicate through this or via posts on our own personal wall?

    HAve you all set any personal goals for yourselves today?

    I think I am going ot start the 30 day shred now that I have limited amounts of stress now!LOL
  • TheGoktor
    TheGoktor Posts: 1,138 Member
    I think definitely on here - it's really easy to miss wall posts, plus if we're all on each other's friends lists, we could lose track of people. I'm happy to volunteer to post a weekly update here if people want to message me with their stuff. What does everyone think?

    And of course, anyone who is not on my FL, do feel free to add me, but as Fa said, please leave a message with the request so I know who you are! Ta muchly!
  • ang16
    ang16 Posts: 91

    I think youre right!

    I feel that sometimes I forget and that people will think that I am not responding or just not keeping up.

    Very good idea :)

    Also add me on facebook if you want!
  • jackelyn14
    jackelyn14 Posts: 59
    Hi - My goal is for Christmas too. And I'm DEFINITELY needing some motivation. When I joined mfp two months ago I was motivated just having to log all my food and excersize. The last couple weeks I've been having such a hard time keeping at it, and haven't been losing at all.

    Please feel free to add me as a friend - I need the accountability!!
  • Nomarfan
    Nomarfan Posts: 36
    ME!! I want to do this. I am relatively new to this site and not sure how to set mini goals. My long term is to lose 60 pounds for a cruise next summer, but if I could do it by Christmas, that would be a FANTASTIC gift to myself! :)
  • ang16
    ang16 Posts: 91
    Well done and I know you all can do it!
  • ang16
    ang16 Posts: 91
    Glad to see that we have new people accepting the challenge:)
  • sla0814
    sla0814 Posts: 240
    I would love to join as well! My first goal is to be 155 (healthy BMI for my height) and ultimate goal would be 140! So if I could be hit either one or be somewhere inbetween that would be great!!
  • ang16
    ang16 Posts: 91
    Welcome andhreay that youve decided to join in!
  • ang16
    ang16 Posts: 91
    Setting myself up for a challenge next week if anyone wants to join.... 3*5k and 2*shred. I'm starting Saturday night... Feel free to start along with me :)