Days of rest = eating less?

I'm loving MFP so far! I feel like I've found what is going to work for me to lose the final 13 pounds and to keep it off.

I am a wee bit concerned about what I'm going to eat on days of rest.

So far I've been able to live with this plan because I have been exercising every day. But I do tend to take one day of rest a week.

I don't think that I can eat only 1300 calories a day, even if it's just for one day! It just doesn't seem like enough food for me.

I guess I'll figure it out as I go along, and maybe just eat a LOT more lower-calorie veggies on my DOR's.

Anyone else have this issue??


  • bethdris
    bethdris Posts: 1,090 Member
    My "food" calories is 1330, and on my day of rest I usually eat between 1200-1300 w/o exercise. I've been doing this since March, so maybe its just because my body is getting retrained, but it doesn't even bother me. That day I try to eat dense raw veggies, proteins, and drink lots of water! :)
  • CaptainMFP
    CaptainMFP Posts: 440 Member
    It is a challenge but can be done. I'm on my rest day today which for me means 1735 calories. (Keep in mind I'm a 220 lb. male...sounds like a lot compared to 1300 but for me this is small!) The way I make it work is to plan the day out in detail before it starts. If I have my dinner and lunch planned in advance, I can be sure to work snacks in and keep my hunger minimal, and drink LOTS of water. Plus I just keep reminding myself that a day of rest will have my muscles back to full strength to hit the bike or pavement even harder tomorrow. :smile:
  • dcmat
    dcmat Posts: 1,723 Member
    I have the same issues, so I keep myself busy and eat less - toast for breakfast, fruit for lunch, salad for tea and apples for snacks. Topped up with cal free green tea and an early night to totally re-charge. If I go over I burn the excess the next day.
  • TXHunny84
    TXHunny84 Posts: 503 Member
    It's VERY hard!!! I seem to gain still even if I'm above my calorie goal for the day or week....even It's still less than what I would have needed to maintain my weight all week??.... Shouldn't eating less than what you needed to eat to maintain your weight....still equal weight lost??.... Apparently not for me....