need help w/ exercise plan

Hi everyone! I need help! I am not good with this part at all haha.... I need an exercise plan but have no idea how to create one, where to start, what I should do when, how often etc.... I recently ordered the Jillian Micheals 30 day shred...and it should be here hopefully today or sometime this week.... I also had the set of p90x dvd's fall into my lap today :) I have a set of I think 3 lb hand weights, I'm going to have to dig them out, maybe 5 lbs... and I have the leg and arm weights that you attach around your ankles and wrists... I am a below knee amputee so just walking/running tends to be an issue.... when I went to the gym I would do alot with the elliptical b/c of it being less impact than the treadmill... The gym is no longer an option due to finances... I was doing great with exercise for the past 2 months b/c I was playing softball 3-4 times a week... but now that softball season is over, I need to find something that fits into my crazy schedule that will help me with weightloss/toning. My biggest area that I need to work on is my stomach... although I need to lose weight all over, my stomach is my biggest "problem" area and since having a 10 lb child 2 years ago it's 10 times worse... Also any other workout dvd's that you would suggest getting? We have netflix and I could go ahead and put them on our queue. Thanks in advance for your help!!


  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    Don't really have much advice but I wanted to share my plan with you.

    June - Walk/ run
    July - 30 day shred
    August - October - P90X

    I am thinking about starting Insanity after P90X but I might do 2 or more rounds of it. I'll decide when I get there.

    I reached my goal weight in May and did not exercise so I am trying to get my body where I really want it now. I hope you find workouts that work for you. Good luck hon!!
    _CHRISTIE_ Posts: 237 Member
    Thanks for sharing! I may try the 30 day shred and then the p90x right behind it... I had also thought about the couch to 5k... but wasn't sure how all of the walking/running would go.... but guess I won't know til I try it right =)