Change of Habits

aklazact Posts: 4
edited September 29 in Food and Nutrition
What difficulties (if any) did you have changing your food habits? How did you overcome them?


  • kmtetour
    kmtetour Posts: 300 Member
    I had difficulty with stopping eating fast food. My husband would go out pretty much every night and get junk. We're divorced now, so I guess that's how I got over that one. I also gave it up for Lent, which really got me used to not having it. The day after Easter, I went and got Burger King as a reward, and I realized I didn't miss it all that much. It's a waste of money, too! :-)
  • jennmoore3
    jennmoore3 Posts: 1,013 Member
    portion size was the hardest. I had issues with over eating and eating the kids left overs. Now I have a cheap food scale from CVS and it is easier, but still hard.
  • pwgphoto
    pwgphoto Posts: 10 Member
    I was eating way too much. If we were having spaghetti, I would load up half the plate or more with pasta. I just did not know what a normal portion looked like and was shocked when I found out. For my evening snack I would regularly have two Tastykake Juniors at 400 calories each and think nothing of it. I was having trouble breathing at night and it was affecting my sleep. I knew had put on weight the last couple of years, but my allergy doctor suggested I try and lose twenty pounds.

    My wife and I had just got new smart phones at the end of February. This was the same time the dr suggested the weight loss, so I found the My Fitness Pal app and website and it really helped. I started seeing how many calories were in things I ate everyday and I started controlling what I was eating.

    I was somewhat lucky that I started my program when my wife began lent and she gave up sweets and soda, so it was easier to keep the treats out of the house. I have lost 27 lbs since March 1st, 2011. It was hard in the beginning, but the plus was the weigh loss happened quickly at first, it has slowed a bit now, I am cheating a little more than I should, but not too bad.

    The biggest thing is having the will power to do the portion control and not eat the bad stuff. You can actually have some of the bad stuff as long as it fits into your count for the day. Once you start losing weight it becomes a little addictive, to me anyway, I look forward to stepping on the scale and seeing a new low. It helps boost the will power to keep going. I have had ups and downs of a couple of lbs, but the trend is down and it is awesome. Clothes that were way too tight on me are now loose. I have dropped pants/shirt sizes and it feels great. I am sleeping better and snoring less.

    So keep at it, you can do it.
  • skeele
    skeele Posts: 72
    Portion Control. I don't think I'm still over it. Although I have been more aware of what and how much I'm eating.
  • pwgphoto
    pwgphoto Posts: 10 Member
    The fast food was the hardest to give up. I am a photojournalist at a newspaper and lived on fast food, eating when I could between assignments. I have learned you can still go to fast food places, but you have to watch what you get. I have found Wendy's a good place to go. Now instead of burgers, I get the grilled chicken. Instead of fries, I get the side salad with fat free dressing. I will go to Subway and get the six inch turkey with veggies, no cheese and a hint of honey mustard. If I am feeling sassy I will get the baked lays at Subway with my sandwich. Every once in a while I will get the small fries, maybe once or twice a month as a treat.
  • Brandicaloriecountess
    Brandicaloriecountess Posts: 2,126 Member
    I had to stop using my busy schedule as an excuse to eat crap, and start planning.

    I just graduated in May, for 5 years I have had a job, been a mom and a full time student. It was simple to hit a drive though. I now take meals and snacks for the day with me every day.
  • jmruef
    jmruef Posts: 824 Member
    I started leaving for work later. If I left too early, I'd stop at the gas station and get an after-breakfast "snack" - 20 oz (or sometimes 24 oz) cappucino plus a muffin the size of a softball. *shudder*. Now that I leave later in the morning, I don't have time to do that.

    Portion control is still an issue. Sometimes there are just days where I want to eat a lot, to heck w/ calories and all that stuff. If I'm feeling really self-aware during those times I'll go to town on veggies and salad. (Once in a while DH and I will make what he calls "big *kitten* salads" for dinner - BIG dinner plates of fresh greens and whatever vegetables we've got around, a bit of grated cheese, etc. Perfect for those nights when portion control flies out the window!)
  • hbrekkaas
    hbrekkaas Posts: 268 Member
    Snacking. I had a really hard time with stopping senseless boredom snacking. I usually wasn't hungry, but in the afternoon when the kids were napping, and before bed I would find myself eating, eating, eating. One day I just told myself "I'm not hungry" and walked away, and things got quite a bit easier after that.

    Fast food was also hard to give up. I don't really like fast food, but I would get it anyway for the convinience. We haven't gone to McDonalds or Wendys (our favories) in over a month. We don't miss it. We have eaten at Subway twice instead.
  • peripah
    peripah Posts: 120 Member
    Eating what my friends are eating. I go out with friends 3 - 4 times a week and it's almost always over food or drinks. It's hard to be the only one not digging into the tray of apps!
  • jennmoore3
    jennmoore3 Posts: 1,013 Member
    Snacking. I had a really hard time with stopping senseless boredom snacking. I usually wasn't hungry, but in the afternoon when the kids were napping, and before bed I would find myself eating, eating, eating. One day I just told myself "I'm not hungry" and walked away, and things got quite a bit easier after that.

    Fast food was also hard to give up. I don't really like fast food, but I would get it anyway for the convinience. We haven't gone to McDonalds or Wendys (our favories) in over a month. We don't miss it. We have eaten at Subway twice instead.

    ME too! I could eat an entire bag of chips watching t.v. not even thinking about how much I am eating. And don't get me started on a large sweet tea from mcdonalds! or salty french fries! I loved them super salty!
  • sarah_ep
    sarah_ep Posts: 580 Member
    Portions. Still struggling. I need to get a scale but keep putting it off.
  • hbrekkaas
    hbrekkaas Posts: 268 Member
    Snacking. I had a really hard time with stopping senseless boredom snacking. I usually wasn't hungry, but in the afternoon when the kids were napping, and before bed I would find myself eating, eating, eating. One day I just told myself "I'm not hungry" and walked away, and things got quite a bit easier after that.

    Fast food was also hard to give up. I don't really like fast food, but I would get it anyway for the convinience. We haven't gone to McDonalds or Wendys (our favories) in over a month. We don't miss it. We have eaten at Subway twice instead.

    ME too! I could eat an entire bag of chips watching t.v. not even thinking about how much I am eating. And don't get me started on a large sweet tea from mcdonalds! or salty french fries! I loved them super salty!

    Me too! I won't eat any type of meat from McDonalds, but I did love the fries. A large fries, extra salt, with ketchup. YUM. I haven't looked at the calories on them, and I never plan too. I would rather stay in the dark on that one!
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